Class RunTestExecutable

    • Constructor Detail

      • RunTestExecutable

        public RunTestExecutable()
    • Method Detail

      • setOutputDir

        public void setOutputDir​( outputDir)
      • getIgnoreFailures

        public boolean getIgnoreFailures()
        Specifies whether the build should break when the verifications performed by this task fail.
        Specified by:
        getIgnoreFailures in interface VerificationTask
        false, when the build should break on failure, true when the failures should be ignored.
      • isIgnoreFailures

        public boolean isIgnoreFailures()
      • setIgnoreFailures

        public void setIgnoreFailures​(boolean ignoreFailures)
        Specifies whether the build should break when the verifications performed by this task fail.
        Specified by:
        setIgnoreFailures in interface VerificationTask
        ignoreFailures - false to break the build on failure, true to ignore the failures. The default is false.