Interface ResolvableDependencies

  • All Superinterfaces:
    ArtifactView, HasAttributes

    public interface ResolvableDependencies
    extends ArtifactView
    The primary view of the results of resolving a Configuration. Results can be obtained in several forms, each catering to different use cases:
    • getFiles() returns a FileCollection that provides the result as a set of File instances.
    • getResolutionResult() returns a ResolutionResult that provides information about the dependency graph without downloading artifacts.
    • getArtifacts() returns an ArtifactCollection that provides the files with additional metadata.
    • artifactView(Action) provides several APIs, which can perform lenient artifact resolution, trigger artifact transforms, or filter artifacts. Furthermore, artifact views can be used to perform variant re-selection, allowing sources and javadoc artifacts to be selected from a graph, among other things.

    The dependencies are resolved once only, when the result is first requested. The result is reused and returned for subsequent calls. Once resolved, any mutation to the dependencies will result in an error.

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of this set.
        The name. Never null.
      • getPath

        java.lang.String getPath()
        Returns the path of this set. This is a unique identifier for this set.
        The path. Never null.
      • getFiles

        FileCollection getFiles()
        Returns a FileCollection which contains the resolved set of files. The returned value is lazy, so dependency resolution is not performed until the contents of the collection are queried.

        The FileCollection carries the task dependencies required to build the files in the result, and when used as a task input the files will be built before the task executes.

        Specified by:
        getFiles in interface ArtifactView
        The collection. Never null.
      • getDependencies

        DependencySet getDependencies()
        Returns the set of dependencies which will be resolved.
        the dependencies. Never null.
      • getDependencyConstraints

        DependencyConstraintSet getDependencyConstraints()
        Returns the set of dependency constraints which will be considered during resolution.
        the dependency constraints. Never null.
      • beforeResolve

        void beforeResolve​(Action<? super ResolvableDependencies> action)
        Adds an action to be executed before the dependencies in this set are resolved.
        action - The action to execute.
      • afterResolve

        void afterResolve​(Action<? super ResolvableDependencies> action)
        Adds an action to be executed after the dependencies of this set have been resolved.
        action - The action to execute.
      • getResolutionResult

        ResolutionResult getResolutionResult()
        Returns the resolved dependency graph, performing the resolution lazily.

        The lazy aspect depends on what is done with the returned ResolutionResult.

        This will resolve the dependency graph but will not resolve or download the artifacts.

        You should note that when resolution fails, the exceptions are included in the ResolutionResult returned from this method. This method will not throw these exceptions.

        the resolution result
      • artifactView

        ArtifactView artifactView​(Action<? super ArtifactView.ViewConfiguration> configAction)
        Returns a builder that can be used to define and access a filtered view of the resolved artifacts.
        A view over the artifacts resolved for this set of dependencies.