Interface ArtifactView.ViewConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • isLenient

        boolean isLenient()
        Determines whether the view should be resolved in a 'lenient' fashion. When set to true, this view will resolve as many artifacts and/or files as possible collecting any failures. When set to false, any failures will be propagated as exceptions when the view is resolved.
      • setLenient

        void setLenient​(boolean lenient)
        Specify if the view should be resolved in a 'lenient' fashion. When set to true, this view will resolve as many artifacts and/or files as possible collecting any failures. When set to false, any failures will be propagated as exceptions when the view is resolved.
      • lenient

        ArtifactView.ViewConfiguration lenient​(boolean lenient)
        Specify if the view should be resolved in a 'lenient' fashion. When set to true, this view will resolve as many artifacts and/or files as possible collecting any failures. When set to false, any failures will be propagated as exceptions when the view is resolved.
      • withVariantReselection

        ArtifactView.ViewConfiguration withVariantReselection()
        When invoked, this view will disregard existing attributes of its parent configuration and re-resolve the artifacts using only the attributes in the view's attribute container.

        This behavior cannot be unset on a particular view once this method is invoked.
