
abstract fun getAnt(): AntBuilder(source)

Returns the AntBuilder for this project. You can use this in your build file to execute ant tasks. See example below.

task printChecksum {
  doLast {
    ant {
      //using ant checksum task to store the file checksum in the checksumOut ant property
      checksum(property: 'checksumOut', file: 'someFile.txt')

      //we can refer to the ant property created by checksum task:
      println "The checksum is: " + checksumOut

    //we can refer to the ant property later as well:
    println "I just love to print checksums: " + ant.checksumOut
Consider following example of ant target:
<target name='printChecksum'>
  <checksum property='checksumOut'>
    <fileset dir='.'>
      <include name='agile.txt'/>
  <echo>The checksum is: ${checksumOut}</echo>
Here's how it would look like in gradle. Observe how the ant XML is represented in groovy by the ant builder
task printChecksum {
  doLast {
    ant {
      checksum(property: 'checksumOut') {
        fileset(dir: '.') {
          include name: 'agile1.txt'
    logger.lifecycle("The checksum is $ant.checksumOut")


The AntBuilder for this project. Never returns null.