Package org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
Eclipse-centric tooling models.
Interface Summary Interface Description AccessRule Access rule associated with an Eclipse classpath entry.ClasspathAttribute Optional description associated with Eclipse classpath entries.EclipseBuildCommand An Eclipse build command is a reference to a project builder object which automatically executes whenever a resource in the associate project changes.EclipseClasspathContainer Eclipse classpath entry used by third-party plugins to contribute to the project's classpath.EclipseClasspathEntry An element that can have classpath attributes.EclipseExternalDependency Represents an Eclipse-specific external artifact dependency.EclipseJavaSourceSettings Describes Eclipse Java source settings for compiling and running some Java source code.EclipseLinkedResource Linked resources are files and folders that are stored in locations in the file system outside of the project's location.EclipseOutputLocation The output location of an Eclipse project.EclipseProject The complete model of an Eclipse project.EclipseProjectDependency Represents a dependency on another Eclipse project.EclipseProjectNature An Eclipse project nature definition.EclipseRuntime Information about the eclipse instance.EclipseSourceDirectory A source directory in an Eclipse project.EclipseWorkspace Information about the eclipse workspace.EclipseWorkspaceProject Information about a project in the eclipse workspace.HierarchicalEclipseProject Represents the basic information about an Eclipse project.RunClosedProjectBuildDependencies A tooling model that instructs Gradle to run tasks to build artifacts for closed projects.RunEclipseAutoBuildTasks A tooling model that instructs Gradle to run tasks from the Eclipse plugin configuration.RunEclipseSynchronizationTasks A tooling model that instructs Gradle to run tasks from the Eclipse plugin configuration.