Interface CppBinary

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of this binary. This is used to disambiguate the binaries of a project. Each binary has a unique name within its project. However, these names are not unique across multiple projects.
      • getVariantName

        java.lang.String getVariantName()
        Returns the variant name of this binary. This is used to disambiguate the binaries of a component. Each binary has a unique variant name within its component. However, these names are not unique across multiple projects or components.
      • getBaseName

        java.lang.String getBaseName()
        Returns the base name of this binary. This is used to calculate output file names.
      • getCompilationDetails

        CompilationDetails getCompilationDetails()
        Returns the compilation details.
      • getLinkageDetails

        LinkageDetails getLinkageDetails()
        Returns the linkage details.