Class JacocoReportBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<Task>, org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware, org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal, Named, ExtensionAware, Task, Configurable<Task>
Direct Known Subclasses:
JacocoCoverageVerification, JacocoReport

@DisableCachingByDefault(because="Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly") public abstract class JacocoReportBase extends JacocoBase
Base class for Jacoco report tasks.
  • Constructor Details

    • JacocoReportBase

      public JacocoReportBase()
  • Method Details

    • getInstantiator

      @Inject protected org.gradle.internal.reflect.Instantiator getInstantiator()
    • getCallbackActionDecorator

      @Inject protected org.gradle.api.internal.CollectionCallbackActionDecorator getCallbackActionDecorator()
      Required for decorating reports container callbacks for tracing user code application.
    • getAntBuilder

      @Inject protected org.gradle.api.internal.project.IsolatedAntBuilder getAntBuilder()
    • getExecutionData

      Collection of execution data files to analyze.
    • getSourceDirectories

      Source sets that coverage should be reported for.
    • getClassDirectories

      @Classpath public ConfigurableFileCollection getClassDirectories()
      Source sets that coverage should be reported for.
    • getAdditionalClassDirs

      Additional class dirs that coverage data should be reported for.
    • getAdditionalSourceDirs

      Additional source dirs for the classes coverage data is being reported for.
    • getSourceEncoding

      @Incubating @Optional @Input public Property<String> getSourceEncoding()
      The character encoding of the source files.
    • executionData

      public void executionData(Object... files)
      Adds execution data files to be used during coverage analysis.
      files - one or more files to add
    • executionData

      public void executionData(Task... tasks)
      Adds execution data generated by a task to the list of those used during coverage analysis. Only tasks with a JacocoTaskExtension will be included; all others will be ignored.
      tasks - one or more tasks to add
    • executionData

      public void executionData(TaskCollection tasks)
      Adds execution data generated by the given tasks to the list of those used during coverage analysis. Only tasks with a JacocoTaskExtension will be included; all others will be ignored.
      tasks - one or more tasks to add
    • getAllClassDirs

      @Internal public FileCollection getAllClassDirs()
      Gets the class directories that coverage will be reported for. All classes in these directories will be included in the report.
      class dirs to report coverage of
    • getAllSourceDirs

      @Internal public FileCollection getAllSourceDirs()
      Gets the source directories for the classes that will be reported on. Source will be obtained from these directories only for the classes included in the report.
      source directories for the classes reported on
      See Also:
    • sourceSets

      public void sourceSets(SourceSet... sourceSets)
      Adds a source set to the list to be reported on. The output of this source set will be used as classes to include in the report. The source for this source set will be used for any classes included in the report.
      sourceSets - one or more source sets to report on
    • additionalClassDirs

      public void additionalClassDirs(File... dirs)
      Adds additional class directories to those that will be included in the report.
      dirs - one or more directories containing classes to report coverage of
    • additionalClassDirs

      public void additionalClassDirs(FileCollection dirs)
      Adds additional class directories to those that will be included in the report.
      dirs - a FileCollection of directories containing classes to report coverage of
    • additionalSourceDirs

      public void additionalSourceDirs(File... dirs)
      Adds additional source directories to be used for any classes included in the report.
      dirs - one or more directories containing source files for the classes included in the report
    • additionalSourceDirs

      public void additionalSourceDirs(FileCollection dirs)
      Adds additional source directories to be used for any classes included in the report.
      dirs - a FileCollection of directories containing source files for the classes included in the report