Class JacocoTaskExtension

  • public abstract class JacocoTaskExtension
    extends java.lang.Object
    Extension for tasks that should run with a Jacoco agent to generate coverage execution data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JacocoTaskExtension

        public JacocoTaskExtension​(ObjectFactory objects,
                                   org.gradle.internal.jacoco.JacocoAgentJar agent,
                                   JavaForkOptions task)
        Creates a Jacoco task extension.
        objects - the object factory
        agent - the agent JAR to use for analysis
        task - the task we extend
    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Whether or not the task should generate execution data. Defaults to true.
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      • getDestinationFile

        public getDestinationFile()
        The path for the execution data to be written to.
      • setDestinationFile

        public void setDestinationFile​(Provider<> destinationFile)
        Set the provider for calculating the destination file.
        destinationFile - Destination file provider
      • setDestinationFile

        public void setDestinationFile​( destinationFile)
      • getIncludes

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getIncludes()
        List of class names that should be included in analysis. Names can use wildcards (* and ?). If left empty, all classes will be included. Defaults to an empty list.
      • setIncludes

        public void setIncludes​(@Nullable
                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> includes)
      • getExcludes

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExcludes()
        List of class names that should be excluded from analysis. Names can use wildcard (* and ?). Defaults to an empty list.
      • setExcludes

        public void setExcludes​(@Nullable
                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> excludes)
      • getExcludeClassLoaders

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExcludeClassLoaders()
        List of classloader names that should be excluded from analysis. Names can use wildcards (* and ?). Defaults to an empty list.
      • setExcludeClassLoaders

        public void setExcludeClassLoaders​(@Nullable
                                           java.util.List<java.lang.String> excludeClassLoaders)
      • isIncludeNoLocationClasses

        public boolean isIncludeNoLocationClasses()
        Whether or not classes without source location should be instrumented. Defaults to false. This property is only taken into account if the used JaCoCo version supports this option (JaCoCo version >= 0.7.6)
      • setIncludeNoLocationClasses

        public void setIncludeNoLocationClasses​(boolean includeNoLocationClasses)
      • getSessionId

        public java.lang.String getSessionId()
        An identifier for the session written to the execution data. Defaults to an auto-generated identifier.
      • setSessionId

        public void setSessionId​(@Nullable
                                 java.lang.String sessionId)
      • isDumpOnExit

        public boolean isDumpOnExit()
        Whether or not to dump the coverage data at VM shutdown. Defaults to true.
      • setDumpOnExit

        public void setDumpOnExit​(boolean dumpOnExit)
      • setAddress

        public void setAddress​(@Nullable
                               java.lang.String address)
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(int port)
      • getClassDumpDir

        public getClassDumpDir()
        Path to dump all class files the agent sees are dumped to. Defaults to no dumps.
      • setClassDumpDir

        public void setClassDumpDir​(@Nullable
        Sets path to dump all class files the agent sees are dumped to. Defaults to no dumps.
      • isJmx

        public boolean isJmx()
        Whether or not to expose functionality via JMX under org.jacoco:type=Runtime. Defaults to false. The configuration of the jmx property is only taken into account if the used JaCoCo version supports this option (JaCoCo version >= 0.6.2)
      • setJmx

        public void setJmx​(boolean jmx)
      • getAgentClasspath

        public FileCollection getAgentClasspath()
        The Jacoco agent classpath. This contains only one file - the agent jar.
      • getAsJvmArg

        public java.lang.String getAsJvmArg()
        Gets all properties in the format expected of the agent JVM argument.
        state of extension in a JVM argument