Interface TargetedNativeComponent

All Superinterfaces:
ComponentSpec, ModelElement, Named, NativeComponentSpec, PlatformAwareComponentSpec, VariantComponent, VariantComponentSpec
All Known Subinterfaces:
NativeExecutableSpec, NativeLibrarySpec

@Incubating public interface TargetedNativeComponent extends PlatformAwareComponentSpec, NativeComponentSpec
A native component that can be configured to target certain variant dimensions. This functionality is a temporary workaround to eliminate configuration of unnecessary domain objects and tasks.
  • Method Details

    • targetFlavors

      void targetFlavors(String... flavorSelectors)
      Specifies the names of one or more Flavors that this component should be built for.
    • targetBuildTypes

      void targetBuildTypes(String... buildTypeSelectors)
      Specifies the names of one or more BuildTypes that this component should be built for.