Class BaseScalaCompileOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseScalaCompileOptions

        public BaseScalaCompileOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getObjectFactory

        protected ObjectFactory getObjectFactory()
      • isFailOnError

        public boolean isFailOnError()
        Fail the build on compilation errors.
      • setFailOnError

        public void setFailOnError​(boolean failOnError)
      • isDeprecation

        public boolean isDeprecation()
        Generate deprecation information.
      • setDeprecation

        public void setDeprecation​(boolean deprecation)
      • isUnchecked

        public boolean isUnchecked()
        Generate unchecked information.
      • setUnchecked

        public void setUnchecked​(boolean unchecked)
      • getDebugLevel

        public java.lang.String getDebugLevel()
        Generate debugging information. Legal values: none, source, line, vars, notailcalls
      • setDebugLevel

        public void setDebugLevel​(@Nullable
                                  java.lang.String debugLevel)
      • isOptimize

        public boolean isOptimize()
        Run optimizations.
      • setOptimize

        public void setOptimize​(boolean optimize)
      • getEncoding

        public java.lang.String getEncoding()
        Encoding of source files.
      • setEncoding

        public void setEncoding​(@Nullable
                                java.lang.String encoding)
      • isForce

        public boolean isForce()
        Whether to force the compilation of all files. Legal values: - false (only compile modified files) - true (always recompile all files)
      • setForce

        public void setForce​(boolean force)
      • getAdditionalParameters

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAdditionalParameters()
        Additional parameters passed to the compiler. Each parameter must start with '-'.
        The list of additional parameters.
      • setAdditionalParameters

        public void setAdditionalParameters​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
        Sets the additional parameters.

        Setting this property will clear any previously set additional parameters.

      • isListFiles

        public boolean isListFiles()
        List files to be compiled.
      • setListFiles

        public void setListFiles​(boolean listFiles)
      • getLoggingLevel

        public java.lang.String getLoggingLevel()
        Specifies the amount of logging. Legal values: none, verbose, debug
      • setLoggingLevel

        public void setLoggingLevel​(java.lang.String loggingLevel)
      • getLoggingPhases

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLoggingPhases()
        Phases of the compiler to log. Legal values: namer, typer, pickler, uncurry, tailcalls, transmatch, explicitouter, erasure, lambdalift, flatten, constructors, mixin, icode, jvm, terminal.
      • setLoggingPhases

        public void setLoggingPhases​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> loggingPhases)
      • getForkOptions

        public ScalaForkOptions getForkOptions()
        Options for running the Scala compiler in a separate process.
      • getIncrementalOptions

        public IncrementalCompileOptions getIncrementalOptions()
        Options for incremental compilation of Scala code.