Class IncrementalCompileOptions

  • public abstract class IncrementalCompileOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    Options for incremental compilation of Scala code. Only used for compilation with Zinc. This is not sent to the compiler daemon as options.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IncrementalCompileOptions

        public IncrementalCompileOptions​(ObjectFactory objectFactory)
    • Method Detail

      • getClassfileBackupDir

        public RegularFileProperty getClassfileBackupDir()
        Returns the path to the directory where previously generated class files are backed up during the next, incremental compilation. If the compilation fails, class files are restored from the backup.
      • getPublishedCode

        public RegularFileProperty getPublishedCode()
        Returns the directory or archive path by which the code produced by this task is published to other ScalaCompile tasks.