Class TestNGOptions

  • public abstract class TestNGOptions
    extends TestFrameworkOptions
    The TestNG specific test options.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_CONFIG_FAILURE_POLICY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TestNGOptions

        public TestNGOptions​(ProjectLayout projectLayout)
    • Method Detail

      • copyFrom

        public void copyFrom​(TestNGOptions other)
        Copies the options from the source options into the current one.
      • suites

        public void suites​(java.lang.String... suiteFiles)
        Add suite files by Strings. Each suiteFile String should be a path relative to the project root.
      • getProjectDir

        protected getProjectDir()
      • suites

        public void suites​( suiteFiles)
        Add suite files by File objects.
      • getSuites

        public java.util.List<> getSuites​( testSuitesDir)
      • includeGroups

        public TestNGOptions includeGroups​(java.lang.String... includeGroups)
      • excludeGroups

        public TestNGOptions excludeGroups​(java.lang.String... excludeGroups)
      • useDefaultListeners

        public TestNGOptions useDefaultListeners()
      • useDefaultListeners

        public TestNGOptions useDefaultListeners​(boolean useDefaultListeners)
      • propertyMissing

        public java.lang.Object propertyMissing​(java.lang.String name)
      • methodMissing

        public java.lang.Object methodMissing​(java.lang.String name,
                                              java.lang.Object args)
      • getOutputDirectory

        public getOutputDirectory()
        The location to write TestNG's output.

        Defaults to the owning test task's location for writing the HTML report.

      • setOutputDirectory

        public void setOutputDirectory​( outputDirectory)
      • getIncludeGroups

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getIncludeGroups()
        The set of groups to run.
      • setIncludeGroups

        public void setIncludeGroups​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> includeGroups)
      • getExcludeGroups

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getExcludeGroups()
        The set of groups to exclude.
      • setExcludeGroups

        public void setExcludeGroups​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> excludeGroups)
      • getConfigFailurePolicy

        public java.lang.String getConfigFailurePolicy()
        Option for what to do for other tests that use a configuration step when that step fails. Can be "skip" or "continue", defaults to "skip".
      • setConfigFailurePolicy

        public void setConfigFailurePolicy​(java.lang.String configFailurePolicy)
      • getListeners

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getListeners()
        Fully qualified classes that are TestNG listeners (instances of org.testng.ITestListener or org.testng.IReporter). By default, the listeners set is empty. Configuring extra listener:
         plugins {
             id 'java'
         test {
             useTestNG() {
                 // creates emailable HTML file
                 // this reporter typically ships with TestNG library
                 listeners << 'org.testng.reporters.EmailableReporter'
      • setListeners

        public void setListeners​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> listeners)
      • getParallel

        public java.lang.String getParallel()
        The parallel mode to use for running the tests - one of the following modes: methods, tests, classes or instances. Not required. If not present, parallel mode will not be selected
      • setParallel

        public void setParallel​(java.lang.String parallel)
      • getThreadCount

        public int getThreadCount()
        The number of threads to use for this run. Ignored unless the parallel mode is also specified
      • setThreadCount

        public void setThreadCount​(int threadCount)
      • getSuiteThreadPoolSize

        public abstract Property<java.lang.Integer> getSuiteThreadPoolSize()
        The number of XML suites will run parallel
      • getUseDefaultListeners

        public boolean getUseDefaultListeners()
      • getThreadPoolFactoryClass

        public java.lang.String getThreadPoolFactoryClass()
        ThreadPoolExecutorFactory class used by TestNG
      • isUseDefaultListeners

        public boolean isUseDefaultListeners()
        Whether the default listeners and reporters should be used. Since Gradle 1.4 it defaults to 'false' so that Gradle can own the reports generation and provide various improvements. This option might be useful for advanced TestNG users who prefer the reports generated by the TestNG library. If you cannot live without some specific TestNG reporter please use listeners property. If you really want to use all default TestNG reporters (e.g. generate the old reports):
         plugins {
             id 'java'
         test {
             useTestNG() {
                 // report generation delegated to TestNG library:
                 useDefaultListeners = true
             // turn off Gradle's HTML report to avoid replacing the
             // reports generated by TestNG library:
             reports.html.required = false
        Please refer to the documentation of your version of TestNG what are the default listeners. At the moment of writing this documentation, the default listeners are a set of reporters that generate: TestNG variant of HTML results, TestNG variant of XML results in JUnit format, emailable HTML test report, XML results in TestNG format.
      • setUseDefaultListeners

        public void setUseDefaultListeners​(boolean useDefaultListeners)
      • setThreadPoolFactoryClass

        public void setThreadPoolFactoryClass​(java.lang.String threadPoolFactoryClass)
        Sets a custom threadPoolExecutorFactory class. This should be a fully qualified class name and the class should implement org.testng.IExecutorFactory More details in Requires TestNG 7.0 or higher
      • getSuiteName

        public java.lang.String getSuiteName()
        Sets the default name of the test suite, if one is not specified in a suite XML file or in the source code.
      • setSuiteName

        public void setSuiteName​(java.lang.String suiteName)
      • getTestName

        public java.lang.String getTestName()
        Sets the default name of the test, if one is not specified in a suite XML file or in the source code.
      • setTestName

        public void setTestName​(java.lang.String testName)
      • getSuiteXmlFiles

        public java.util.List<> getSuiteXmlFiles()
        The suiteXmlFiles to use for running TestNG. Note: The suiteXmlFiles can be used in conjunction with the suiteXmlBuilder.
      • setSuiteXmlFiles

        public void setSuiteXmlFiles​(java.util.List<> suiteXmlFiles)
      • getPreserveOrder

        public boolean getPreserveOrder()
      • isPreserveOrder

        public boolean isPreserveOrder()
        Indicates whether the tests should be run in deterministic order. Preserving the order guarantees that the complete test (including @BeforeXXX and @AfterXXX) is run in a test thread before the next test is run. Not required. If not present, the order will not be preserved.
      • setPreserveOrder

        public void setPreserveOrder​(boolean preserveOrder)
      • getGroupByInstances

        public boolean getGroupByInstances()
      • isGroupByInstances

        public boolean isGroupByInstances()
        Indicates whether the tests should be grouped by instances. Grouping by instances will result in resolving test method dependencies for each instance instead of running the dependees of all instances before running the dependants. Not required. If not present, the tests will not be grouped by instances.
      • setGroupByInstances

        public void setGroupByInstances​(boolean groupByInstances)
      • getSuiteXml

        protected java.lang.String getSuiteXml()
        Returns the XML generated using suiteXmlBuilder(), if any.

        This property is read-only and exists merely for up-to-date checking.

      • getSuiteXmlWriter

        public getSuiteXmlWriter()
      • setSuiteXmlWriter

        public void setSuiteXmlWriter​( suiteXmlWriter)
      • setSuiteXmlBuilder

        public void setSuiteXmlBuilder​(MarkupBuilder suiteXmlBuilder)