Class OutgoingVariantsReportTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Comparable<Task>, org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware, org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal, Named, ExtensionAware, Reporting<ConfigurationReports>, Task, Configurable<Task>

    @DisableCachingByDefault(because="Produces only non-cacheable console output by examining configurations at execution time")
    public abstract class OutgoingVariantsReportTask
    extends AbstractConfigurationReportTask
    A task which reports the outgoing variants of a project on the command line. This is useful for listing what a project produces in terms of variants and what artifacts are attached to each variant. Variants, in this context, must be understood as "things produced by a project which can safely be consumed by another project".
    • Constructor Detail

      • OutgoingVariantsReportTask

        public OutgoingVariantsReportTask()
    • Method Detail

      • getVariantName

        public abstract Property<java.lang.String> getVariantName()
        Limits the report to a single variant.
        property holding name of the variant to report
      • getShowAll

        public abstract Property<java.lang.Boolean> getShowAll()
        Shows all variants, including legacy and deprecated configurations.
        property holding the flag to show all variants