Interface IvyPublication

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Named, Publication

    public interface IvyPublication
    extends Publication
    An IvyPublication is the representation/configuration of how Gradle should publish something in Ivy format, to an Ivy repository. You directly add a named Ivy publication the project's publishing.publications container by providing IvyPublication as the type.
     publishing {
       publications {
         myPublicationName(IvyPublication) {
           // Configure the publication here

    The Ivy module identifying attributes of the publication are mapped as follows:

    • module -
    • organisation -
    • revision - project.version
    • status - project.status

    For certain common use cases, it's often sufficient to specify the component to publish, using (from(org.gradle.api.component.SoftwareComponent). The published component is used to determine which artifacts to publish, and which configurations and dependencies should be listed in the generated ivy descriptor file.

    You can add configurations to the generated ivy descriptor file, by supplying a Closure to the configurations(org.gradle.api.Action) method.

    To add additional artifacts to the set published, use the artifact(Object) and artifact(Object, org.gradle.api.Action) methods. You can also completely replace the set of published artifacts using setArtifacts(Iterable). Together, these methods give you full control over the artifacts to be published.

    In addition, IvyModuleDescriptorSpec provides configuration methods to customize licenses, authors, and the description to be published in the Ivy module descriptor.

    For any other tweaks to the publication, it is possible to modify the generated Ivy descriptor file prior to publication. This is done using the IvyModuleDescriptorSpec.withXml(org.gradle.api.Action) method, normally via a Closure passed to the descriptor(org.gradle.api.Action) method.

    Example of publishing a java component with an added source jar and custom module description

     plugins {
         id 'java'
         id 'ivy-publish'
     task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
       from sourceSets.main.allJava
     publishing {
       publications {
         myPublication(IvyPublication) {
           artifact(sourceJar) {
             type "source"
             extension "src.jar"
             conf "runtime"
           descriptor {
             license {
               name = "Custom License"
             author {
               name = "Custom Name"
             description {
               text = "Custom Description"
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        IvyModuleDescriptorSpec getDescriptor()
        The module descriptor that will be published.

        The module descriptor that will be published.
      • from

        void from​(SoftwareComponent component)
        Provides the software component that should be published.
        • Any artifacts declared by the component will be included in the publication.
        • The dependencies declared by the component will be included in the published meta-data.
        Currently 2 types of component are supported: '' (added by the JavaPlugin) and 'components.web' (added by the WarPlugin). For any individual IvyPublication, only a single component can be provided in this way. The following example demonstrates how to publish the 'java' component to a ivy repository.
         plugins {
             id 'java'
             id 'ivy-publish'
         publishing {
           publications {
             ivy(IvyPublication) {
        component - The software component to publish.
      • configurations

        void configurations​(Action<? super IvyConfigurationContainer> config)
        Defines some IvyConfigurations that should be included in the published ivy module descriptor file. The following example demonstrates how to add a "testCompile" configuration, and a "testRuntime" configuration that extends it.
         plugins {
             id 'java'
             id 'ivy-publish'
         publishing {
           publications {
             ivy(IvyPublication) {
               configurations {
                   testCompile {}
                   testRuntime {
                       extend "testCompile"
        config - An action or closure to configure the values of the constructed IvyConfiguration.
      • getConfigurations

        IvyConfigurationContainer getConfigurations()
        Returns the complete set of configurations for this publication.
        the configurations
      • artifact

        IvyArtifact artifact​(java.lang.Object source)
        Creates a custom IvyArtifact to be included in the publication. The artifact method can take a variety of input:
        • A PublishArtifact instance. Name, type, extension and classifier values are taken from the supplied instance.
        • An AbstractArchiveTask instance. Name, type, extension and classifier values are taken from the supplied instance.
        • Anything that can be resolved to a File via the Project.file(Object) method. Name, extension and classifier values are interpolated from the file name.
        • A Map that contains a 'source' entry that can be resolved as any of the other input types, including file. This map can contain additional attributes to further configure the constructed artifact.
        The following example demonstrates the addition of various custom artifacts.
         plugins {
             id 'ivy-publish'
         task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
           archiveClassifier = "source"
         task genDocs {
           doLast {
             // Generate 'my-docs-file.htm'
         publishing {
           publications {
             ivy(IvyPublication) {
               artifact sourceJar // Publish the output of the sourceJar task
               artifact 'my-file-name.jar' // Publish a file created outside of the build
               artifact source: 'my-docs-file.htm', classifier: 'docs', extension: 'html', builtBy: genDocs // Publish a file generated by the 'genDocs' task
        source - The source of the artifact content.
      • artifact

        IvyArtifact artifact​(java.lang.Object source,
                             Action<? super IvyArtifact> config)
        Creates an IvyArtifact to be included in the publication, which is configured by the associated action. The first parameter is used to create a custom artifact and add it to the publication, as per artifact(Object). The created IvyArtifact is then configured using the supplied action. This method also accepts the configure action as a closure argument, by type coercion.
         plugins {
             id 'ivy-publish'
         task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
           archiveClassifier = "source"
         task genDocs {
           doLast {
             // Generate 'my-docs-file.htm'
         publishing {
           publications {
             ivy(IvyPublication) {
               artifact(sourceJar) {
                 // These values will be used instead of the values from the task. The task values will not be updated.
                 classifier "src"
                 extension "zip"
                 conf "runtime->default"
               artifact("my-docs-file.htm") {
                 type "documentation"
                 extension "html"
                 builtBy genDocs
        source - The source of the artifact.
        config - An action to configure the values of the constructed IvyArtifact.
      • getArtifacts

        IvyArtifactSet getArtifacts()
        The complete set of artifacts for this publication.

        Setting this property will clear any previously added artifacts and create artifacts from the specified sources. Each supplied source is interpreted as per artifact(Object). For example, to exclude the dependencies declared by a component and instead use a custom set of artifacts:

         plugins {
             id 'java'
             id 'ivy-publish'
         task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
           archiveClassifier = "source"
         publishing {
           publications {
             ivy(IvyPublication) {
               artifacts = ["my-custom-jar.jar", sourceJar]
        the artifacts.
      • setArtifacts

        void setArtifacts​(java.lang.Iterable<?> sources)
        Sets the artifacts for this publication. Each supplied value is interpreted as per artifact(Object).
        sources - The set of artifacts for this publication.
      • getOrganisation

        java.lang.String getOrganisation()
        Returns the organisation for this publication.
      • setOrganisation

        void setOrganisation​(java.lang.String organisation)
        Sets the organisation for this publication.
      • getModule

        java.lang.String getModule()
        Returns the module for this publication.
      • setModule

        void setModule​(java.lang.String module)
        Sets the module for this publication.
      • getRevision

        java.lang.String getRevision()
        Returns the revision for this publication.
      • setRevision

        void setRevision​(java.lang.String revision)
        Sets the revision for this publication.
      • versionMapping

        void versionMapping​(Action<? super VersionMappingStrategy> configureAction)
        Configures the version mapping strategy. For example, to use resolved versions for runtime dependencies:
         plugins {
             id 'java'
             id 'ivy-publish'
         publishing {
           publications {
             maven(IvyPublication) {
               versionMapping {
        configureAction - the configuration
      • suppressIvyMetadataWarningsFor

        void suppressIvyMetadataWarningsFor​(java.lang.String variantName)
        Silences the compatibility warnings for the Ivy publication for the specified variant. Warnings are emitted when Gradle features are used that cannot be mapped completely to Ivy xml.
        variantName - the variant to silence warning for
      • suppressAllIvyMetadataWarnings

        void suppressAllIvyMetadataWarnings()
        Silences all the compatibility warnings for the Ivy publication. Warnings are emitted when Gradle features are used that cannot be mapped completely to Ivy xml.