Class CodeNarc

    • Constructor Detail

      • CodeNarc

        public CodeNarc()
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigFile

        public getConfigFile()
        The CodeNarc configuration file to use.
      • getSource

        public FileTree getSource()
        Returns the source for this task, after the include and exclude patterns have been applied. Ignores source files which do not exist.

        The PathSensitivity for the sources is configured to be PathSensitivity.ABSOLUTE. If your sources are less strict, please change it accordingly by overriding this method in your subclass.

        getSource in class SourceTask
        The source.
      • setConfigFile

        public void setConfigFile​( configFile)
        The CodeNarc configuration file to use.
      • run

        public void run()
      • getCodenarcClasspath

        public FileCollection getCodenarcClasspath()
        The class path containing the CodeNarc library to be used.
      • setCodenarcClasspath

        public void setCodenarcClasspath​(FileCollection codenarcClasspath)
        The class path containing the CodeNarc library to be used.
      • getCompilationClasspath

        public FileCollection getCompilationClasspath()
        The class path to be used by CodeNarc when compiling classes during analysis.
      • setCompilationClasspath

        public void setCompilationClasspath​(FileCollection compilationClasspath)
        The class path to be used by CodeNarc when compiling classes during analysis.
      • getConfig

        public TextResource getConfig()
        The CodeNarc configuration to use. Replaces the configFile property.
      • setConfig

        public void setConfig​(TextResource config)
        The CodeNarc configuration to use. Replaces the configFile property.
      • getMaxPriority1Violations

        public int getMaxPriority1Violations()
        The maximum number of priority 1 violations allowed before failing the build.
      • setMaxPriority1Violations

        public void setMaxPriority1Violations​(int maxPriority1Violations)
        The maximum number of priority 1 violations allowed before failing the build.
      • getMaxPriority2Violations

        public int getMaxPriority2Violations()
        The maximum number of priority 2 violations allowed before failing the build.
      • setMaxPriority2Violations

        public void setMaxPriority2Violations​(int maxPriority2Violations)
        The maximum number of priority 2 violations allowed before failing the build.
      • getMaxPriority3Violations

        public int getMaxPriority3Violations()
        The maximum number of priority 3 violations allowed before failing the build.
      • setMaxPriority3Violations

        public void setMaxPriority3Violations​(int maxPriority3Violations)
        The maximum number of priority 3 violations allowed before failing the build.