Class AntlrTask

    • Constructor Detail

      • AntlrTask

        public AntlrTask()
    • Method Detail

      • isTrace

        public boolean isTrace()
        Specifies that all rules call traceIn/traceOut.
      • setTrace

        public void setTrace​(boolean trace)
      • isTraceLexer

        public boolean isTraceLexer()
        Specifies that all lexer rules call traceIn/traceOut.
      • setTraceLexer

        public void setTraceLexer​(boolean traceLexer)
      • isTraceParser

        public boolean isTraceParser()
        Specifies that all parser rules call traceIn/traceOut.
      • setTraceParser

        public void setTraceParser​(boolean traceParser)
      • isTraceTreeWalker

        public boolean isTraceTreeWalker()
        Specifies that all tree walker rules call traceIn/traceOut.
      • setTraceTreeWalker

        public void setTraceTreeWalker​(boolean traceTreeWalker)
      • getMaxHeapSize

        public java.lang.String getMaxHeapSize()
        The maximum heap size for the forked antlr process (ex: '1g').
      • setMaxHeapSize

        public void setMaxHeapSize​(java.lang.String maxHeapSize)
      • setArguments

        public void setArguments​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> arguments)
      • getArguments

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getArguments()
        List of command-line arguments passed to the antlr process
        The antlr command-line arguments
      • getOutputDirectory

        public getOutputDirectory()
        Returns the directory to generate the parser source files into.
        The output directory.
      • setOutputDirectory

        public void setOutputDirectory​( outputDirectory)
        Specifies the directory to generate the parser source files into.
        outputDirectory - The output directory. Must not be null.
      • getAntlrClasspath

        public FileCollection getAntlrClasspath()
        Returns the classpath containing the Ant ANTLR task implementation.
        The Ant task implementation classpath.
      • setAntlrClasspath

        protected void setAntlrClasspath​(FileCollection antlrClasspath)
        Specifies the classpath containing the Ant ANTLR task implementation.
        antlrClasspath - The Ant task implementation classpath. Must not be null.
      • getWorkerProcessBuilderFactory

        protected org.gradle.process.internal.worker.WorkerProcessFactory getWorkerProcessBuilderFactory()
      • getProjectLayout

        protected ProjectLayout getProjectLayout()
      • execute

        public void execute​(InputChanges inputChanges)
        Generate the parsers.
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(FileTree source)
        Sets the source for this task. Delegates to setSource(Object). If the source is of type SourceDirectorySet, then the relative path of each source grammar files is used to determine the relative output path of the generated source If the source is not of type SourceDirectorySet, then the generated source files end up flattened in the specified output directory.
        setSource in class SourceTask
        source - The source.
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(java.lang.Object source)
        Sets the source for this task. Delegates to SourceTask.setSource(Object). If the source is of type SourceDirectorySet, then the relative path of each source grammar files is used to determine the relative output path of the generated source If the source is not of type SourceDirectorySet, then the generated source files end up flattened in the specified output directory.
        setSource in class SourceTask
        source - The source.
      • getSource

        @Internal("tracked via stableSources")
        public FileTree getSource()
        Returns the source for this task, after the include and exclude patterns have been applied. Ignores source files which do not exist.

        The PathSensitivity for the sources is configured to be PathSensitivity.ABSOLUTE. If your sources are less strict, please change it accordingly by overriding this method in your subclass.

        getSource in class SourceTask
        The source.
      • getDeleter

        protected org.gradle.internal.file.Deleter getDeleter()