Interface PluginCollection<T extends Plugin>

    • Method Detail

      • matching

        PluginCollection<T> matching​(Spec<? super T> spec)
        Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given specification. The returned collection is live, so that when matching objects are added to this collection, they are also visible in the filtered collection.
        Specified by:
        matching in interface DomainObjectCollection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        matching in interface DomainObjectSet<T extends Plugin>
        spec - The specification to use.
        The collection of matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.
      • matching

        PluginCollection<T> matching​(Closure closure)
        Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification. The returned collection is live, so that when matching objects are added to this collection, they are also visible in the filtered collection.
        Specified by:
        matching in interface DomainObjectCollection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        matching in interface DomainObjectSet<T extends Plugin>
        closure - The specification to use. The closure gets a collection element as an argument.
        The collection of matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.
      • withType

        <S extends TPluginCollection<S> withType​(java.lang.Class<S> type)
        Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type. The returned collection is live, so that when matching objects are later added to this collection, they are also visible in the filtered collection.
        Specified by:
        withType in interface DomainObjectCollection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        withType in interface DomainObjectSet<T extends Plugin>
        type - The type of objects to find.
        The matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.
      • whenPluginAdded

        Action<? super T> whenPluginAdded​(Action<? super T> action)
        Adds an Action to be executed when a plugin is added to this collection.
        action - The action to be executed
        the supplied action
      • whenPluginAdded

        void whenPluginAdded​(Closure closure)
        Adds a closure to be called when a plugin is added to this collection. The plugin is passed to the closure as the parameter.
        closure - The closure to be called
      • add

        boolean add​(T plugin)
        Specified by:
        add in interface java.util.Collection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        add in interface java.util.Set<T extends Plugin>
      • addAll

        boolean addAll​(java.util.Collection<? extends T> c)
        Specified by:
        addAll in interface java.util.Collection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        addAll in interface java.util.Set<T extends Plugin>
      • remove

        boolean remove​(java.lang.Object o)
        plugins cannot be removed.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface java.util.Collection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        remove in interface java.util.Set<T extends Plugin>
      • removeAll

        boolean removeAll​(java.util.Collection<?> c)
        plugins cannot be removed.
        Specified by:
        removeAll in interface java.util.Collection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        removeAll in interface java.util.Set<T extends Plugin>
      • clear

        void clear()
        plugins cannot be removed.
        Specified by:
        clear in interface java.util.Collection<T extends Plugin>
        Specified by:
        clear in interface java.util.Set<T extends Plugin>