Interface PluginManager

  • @NonExtensible
    public interface PluginManager
    Facilitates applying plugins and determining which plugins have been applied to a PluginAware object.
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void apply​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
      Applies the given plugin.
      void apply​(java.lang.String pluginId)
      Applies the plugin with the given ID.
      AppliedPlugin findPlugin​(java.lang.String id)
      Returns the information about the plugin that has been applied with the given ID, or null if no plugin has been applied with the given ID.
      boolean hasPlugin​(java.lang.String id)
      Returns true if a plugin with the given ID has already been applied, otherwise false.
      void withPlugin​(java.lang.String id, Action<? super AppliedPlugin> action)
      Executes the given action when the specified plugin is applied.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        void apply​(java.lang.String pluginId)
        Applies the plugin with the given ID. Does nothing if the plugin has already been applied.

        Plugins in the "org.gradle" namespace can be applied directly via name. That is, the following two lines are equivalent…

         pluginManager.apply ""
         pluginManager.apply "java"
        pluginId - the ID of the plugin to apply
      • apply

        void apply​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
        Applies the given plugin. Does nothing if the plugin has already been applied.

        The given class should implement the Plugin interface, and be parameterized for a compatible type of this.

        The following two lines are equivalent…

         pluginManager.apply org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPlugin
         pluginManager.apply ""
        type - the plugin class to apply
      • findPlugin

        AppliedPlugin findPlugin​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the information about the plugin that has been applied with the given ID, or null if no plugin has been applied with the given ID.

        Plugins in the "org.gradle" namespace (that is, core Gradle plugins) can be specified by either name (e.g. "java") or ID "". All other plugins must be queried for by their full ID (e.g. "").

        Some Gradle plugins have not yet migrated to fully qualified plugin IDs. Such plugins can be detected with this method by simply using the unqualified ID (e.g. "some-third-party-plugin".

        id - the plugin ID
        information about the applied plugin, or null if no plugin has been applied with the given ID
      • hasPlugin

        boolean hasPlugin​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns true if a plugin with the given ID has already been applied, otherwise false.
        id - the plugin ID. See findPlugin(String) for details about this parameter.
        true if the plugin has been applied
      • withPlugin

        void withPlugin​(java.lang.String id,
                        Action<? super AppliedPlugin> action)
        Executes the given action when the specified plugin is applied.

        If a plugin with the specified ID has already been applied, the supplied action will be executed immediately. Otherwise, the action will executed immediately after a plugin with the specified ID is applied.

        The given action is always executed after the plugin has been applied.

        id - the plugin ID. See findPlugin(String) for details about this parameter.
        action - the action to execute if/when the plugin is applied