Interface AdhocComponentWithVariants

All Superinterfaces:
Named, SoftwareComponent

public interface AdhocComponentWithVariants extends SoftwareComponent
A component which can declare additional variants corresponding to features. When published to Maven POMs, the dependencies of those variants are exposed as optional dependencies. When published to Gradle metadata, the variants are published as is.
  • Method Details

    • addVariantsFromConfiguration

      void addVariantsFromConfiguration(Configuration outgoingConfiguration, Action<? super ConfigurationVariantDetails> action)
      Declares an additional variant to publish, corresponding to an additional feature.

      This can be used to determine if the variant should be published or not, and to configure various options specific to the publishing format.

      outgoingConfiguration - the configuration corresponding to the variant to use as source of dependencies and artifacts
      action - action executed to configure the variant prior to publishing
    • withVariantsFromConfiguration

      void withVariantsFromConfiguration(Configuration outgoingConfiguration, Action<? super ConfigurationVariantDetails> action)
      Further configure previously declared variants.

      The action can be used to determine if the variant should be published or not, and to configure various options specific to the publishing format. Note that if multiple actions are added, they are executed in the order they were added.

      outgoingConfiguration - the configuration corresponding to the variant to configure with a given action
      action - an additional action to be executed to configure the variant prior to publishing
      InvalidUserDataException - if the specified variant was not already added to this component