Interface RepositoryContentDescriptor

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface RepositoryContentDescriptor
    extends InclusiveRepositoryContentDescriptor

    Descriptor of a repository content, used to avoid reaching to an external repository when not needed.

    Excludes are applied after includes. This means that by default, everything is included and nothing excluded. If includes are added, then if the module doesn't match any of the includes, it's excluded. Then if it does, but it also matches one of the excludes, it's also excluded.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void excludeGroup​(java.lang.String group)
      Declares that an entire group shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
      void excludeGroupAndSubgroups​(java.lang.String groupPrefix)
      Declares that an entire group and its subgroups shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
      void excludeGroupByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex)
      Declares that an entire group shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
      void excludeModule​(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String moduleName)
      Declares that an entire module shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
      void excludeModuleByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex, java.lang.String moduleNameRegex)
      Declares that an entire module shouldn't be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.
      void excludeVersion​(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String moduleName, java.lang.String version)
      Declares that a specific module version shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
      void excludeVersionByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex, java.lang.String moduleNameRegex, java.lang.String versionRegex)
      Declares that a specific module version shouldn't be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.
      void notForConfigurations​(java.lang.String... configurationNames)
      Declares that this repository should not be used for a specific set of configurations.
      <T> void onlyForAttribute​(Attribute<T> attribute, T... validValues)
      Declares that this repository will only be searched if the consumer requires a specific attribute.
      void onlyForConfigurations​(java.lang.String... configurationNames)
      Declares that this repository should only be used for a specific set of configurations.
    • Method Detail

      • excludeGroup

        void excludeGroup​(java.lang.String group)
        Declares that an entire group shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
        group - the group name
      • excludeGroupAndSubgroups

        void excludeGroupAndSubgroups​(java.lang.String groupPrefix)
        Declares that an entire group and its subgroups shouldn't be searched for in this repository.

        A subgroup is a group that starts with the given prefix and has a dot immediately after the prefix. For example, if the prefix is org.gradle, then org.gradle is matched as a group, and and are matched as subgroups. org.gradlefoo is not matched as a subgroup.

        groupPrefix - the group prefix to include
      • excludeGroupByRegex

        void excludeGroupByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex)
        Declares that an entire group shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
        groupRegex - the group name regular expression
      • excludeModule

        void excludeModule​(java.lang.String group,
                           java.lang.String moduleName)
        Declares that an entire module shouldn't be searched for in this repository.
        group - the group name
        moduleName - the module name
      • excludeModuleByRegex

        void excludeModuleByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex,
                                  java.lang.String moduleNameRegex)
        Declares that an entire module shouldn't be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.
        groupRegex - the group name regular expression
        moduleNameRegex - the module name regular expression
      • excludeVersion

        void excludeVersion​(java.lang.String group,
                            java.lang.String moduleName,
                            java.lang.String version)
        Declares that a specific module version shouldn't be searched for in this repository.

        The version notation for a regex will be matched against a single version and does not support range notations.

        group - the group name
        moduleName - the module name
        version - the module version
      • excludeVersionByRegex

        void excludeVersionByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex,
                                   java.lang.String moduleNameRegex,
                                   java.lang.String versionRegex)
        Declares that a specific module version shouldn't be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.

        The version notation for a regex will be matched against a single version and does not support range notations.

        groupRegex - the group name
        moduleNameRegex - the module name
        versionRegex - the module version
      • onlyForConfigurations

        void onlyForConfigurations​(java.lang.String... configurationNames)
        Declares that this repository should only be used for a specific set of configurations. Defaults to any configuration
        configurationNames - the names of the configurations the repository will be used for
      • notForConfigurations

        void notForConfigurations​(java.lang.String... configurationNames)
        Declares that this repository should not be used for a specific set of configurations. Defaults to any configuration
        configurationNames - the names of the configurations the repository will not be used for
      • onlyForAttribute

        <T> void onlyForAttribute​(Attribute<T> attribute,
                                  T... validValues)
        Declares that this repository will only be searched if the consumer requires a specific attribute.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the attribute
        attribute - the attribute
        validValues - the list of accepted values