Interface InclusiveRepositoryContentDescriptor

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    MavenRepositoryContentDescriptor, RepositoryContentDescriptor

    public interface InclusiveRepositoryContentDescriptor

    Descriptor of a repository content, used to avoid reaching to an external repository when not needed.

    Only inclusions can be defined at this level (cross-repository content). Excludes need to be defined per-repository using RepositoryContentDescriptor. Similarly to declaring includes on specific repositories via ArtifactRepository.content(Action), inclusions are extensive, meaning that anything which doesn't match the includes will be considered missing from the repository.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void includeGroup​(java.lang.String group)
      Declares that an entire group should be searched for in this repository.
      void includeGroupAndSubgroups​(java.lang.String groupPrefix)
      Declares that an entire group and its subgroups should be searched for in this repository.
      void includeGroupByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex)
      Declares that an entire group should be searched for in this repository.
      void includeModule​(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String moduleName)
      Declares that an entire module should be searched for in this repository.
      void includeModuleByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex, java.lang.String moduleNameRegex)
      Declares that an entire module should be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.
      void includeVersion​(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String moduleName, java.lang.String version)
      Declares that a specific module version should be searched for in this repository.
      void includeVersionByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex, java.lang.String moduleNameRegex, java.lang.String versionRegex)
      Declares that a specific module version should be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.
    • Method Detail

      • includeGroup

        void includeGroup​(java.lang.String group)
        Declares that an entire group should be searched for in this repository.
        group - the group name
      • includeGroupAndSubgroups

        void includeGroupAndSubgroups​(java.lang.String groupPrefix)
        Declares that an entire group and its subgroups should be searched for in this repository.

        A subgroup is a group that starts with the given prefix and has a dot immediately after the prefix. For example, if the prefix is org.gradle, then org.gradle is matched as a group, and and are matched as subgroups. org.gradlefoo is not matched as a subgroup.

        groupPrefix - the group prefix to include
      • includeGroupByRegex

        void includeGroupByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex)
        Declares that an entire group should be searched for in this repository.
        groupRegex - a regular expression of the group name
      • includeModule

        void includeModule​(java.lang.String group,
                           java.lang.String moduleName)
        Declares that an entire module should be searched for in this repository.
        group - the group name
        moduleName - the module name
      • includeModuleByRegex

        void includeModuleByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex,
                                  java.lang.String moduleNameRegex)
        Declares that an entire module should be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.
        groupRegex - the group name regular expression
        moduleNameRegex - the module name regular expression
      • includeVersion

        void includeVersion​(java.lang.String group,
                            java.lang.String moduleName,
                            java.lang.String version)
        Declares that a specific module version should be searched for in this repository.
        group - the group name
        moduleName - the module name
        version - the module version
      • includeVersionByRegex

        void includeVersionByRegex​(java.lang.String groupRegex,
                                   java.lang.String moduleNameRegex,
                                   java.lang.String versionRegex)
        Declares that a specific module version should be searched for in this repository, using regular expressions.
        groupRegex - the group name regular expression
        moduleNameRegex - the module name regular expression
        versionRegex - the module version regular expression