Interface IvyPatternRepositoryLayout

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IvyPatternRepositoryLayout
    extends RepositoryLayout
    A repository layout that uses user-supplied patterns. Each pattern will be appended to the base URI for the repository. At least one artifact pattern must be specified. If no Ivy patterns are specified, then the artifact patterns will be used. Optionally supports a Maven style layout for the 'organisation' part, replacing any dots with forward slashes. For examples see the reference for IvyArtifactRepository.patternLayout(Action).
    2.3 (feature was already present in Groovy DSL, this type introduced in 2.3)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void artifact​(java.lang.String pattern)
      Adds an Ivy artifact pattern to define where artifacts are located in this repository.
      boolean getM2Compatible()
      Tells whether a Maven style layout is to be used for the 'organisation' part, replacing any dots with forward slashes.
      void ivy​(java.lang.String pattern)
      Adds an Ivy pattern to define where ivy files are located in this repository.
      void setM2compatible​(boolean m2compatible)
      Sets whether a Maven style layout is to be used for the 'organisation' part, replacing any dots with forward slashes.
    • Method Detail

      • artifact

        void artifact​(java.lang.String pattern)
        Adds an Ivy artifact pattern to define where artifacts are located in this repository.
        pattern - The ivy pattern
      • ivy

        void ivy​(java.lang.String pattern)
        Adds an Ivy pattern to define where ivy files are located in this repository.
        pattern - The ivy pattern
      • getM2Compatible

        boolean getM2Compatible()
        Tells whether a Maven style layout is to be used for the 'organisation' part, replacing any dots with forward slashes. Defaults to false.
      • setM2compatible

        void setM2compatible​(boolean m2compatible)
        Sets whether a Maven style layout is to be used for the 'organisation' part, replacing any dots with forward slashes. Defaults to false.
        m2compatible - whether a Maven style layout is to be used for the 'organisation' part