Interface ResolvedDependency

  • public interface ResolvedDependency
    Information about a resolved dependency.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the resolved dependency.
      • getModuleGroup

        java.lang.String getModuleGroup()
        Returns the module group of the resolved dependency.
      • getModuleName

        java.lang.String getModuleName()
        Returns the module name of the resolved dependency.
      • getModuleVersion

        java.lang.String getModuleVersion()
        Returns the module version of the resolved dependency.
      • getConfiguration

        java.lang.String getConfiguration()
        Returns the configuration under which this instance was resolved.
      • getModule

        ResolvedModuleVersion getModule()
        Returns the module which this resolved dependency belongs to.
        The module.
      • getChildren

        java.util.Set<ResolvedDependency> getChildren()
        Returns the transitive ResolvedDependency instances of this resolved dependency. Returns never null.
      • getParents

        java.util.Set<ResolvedDependency> getParents()
        Returns the ResolvedDependency instances that have this instance as a transitive dependency. Returns never null.
      • getModuleArtifacts

        java.util.Set<ResolvedArtifact> getModuleArtifacts()
        Returns the module artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency. A module artifact is an artifact that belongs to a ResolvedDependency independent of a particular parent. Returns never null.
      • getAllModuleArtifacts

        java.util.Set<ResolvedArtifact> getAllModuleArtifacts()
        Returns the module artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency and recursively to its children. Returns never null.
        See Also:
      • getParentArtifacts

        java.util.Set<ResolvedArtifact> getParentArtifacts​(ResolvedDependency parent)
        Returns the artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency which it only has for a particular parent. Returns never null.
        parent - A parent of the ResolvedDependency. Must not be null.
        InvalidUserDataException - If the parent is unknown or null
      • getArtifacts

        java.util.Set<ResolvedArtifact> getArtifacts​(ResolvedDependency parent)
        Returns the parent artifacts of this dependency. Never returns null.
        parent - A parent of the ResolvedDependency. Must not be null.
        InvalidUserDataException - If the parent is unknown or null
      • getAllArtifacts

        java.util.Set<ResolvedArtifact> getAllArtifacts​(ResolvedDependency parent)
        Returns the parent artifacts of this dependency and its children. Never returns null.
        parent - A parent of the ResolvedDependency. Must not be null.
        InvalidUserDataException - If the parent is unknown or null