Interface ProjectDependency

    • Method Detail

      • getDependencyProject

        Project getDependencyProject()
        Returns the project associated with this project dependency.
      • getBuildDependencies

        TaskDependency getBuildDependencies()
        This class will no longer implement SelfResolvingDependency in Gradle 9.0
        Returns a dependency which contains the tasks which build this artifact. All Buildable implementations must ensure that the returned dependency object is live, so that it tracks changes to the dependencies of this buildable.
        Specified by:
        getBuildDependencies in interface Buildable
        The dependency. Never returns null. Returns an empty dependency when this artifact is not built by any tasks.
      • resolve

        java.util.Set<> resolve​(boolean transitive)
        This class will no longer implement SelfResolvingDependency in Gradle 9.0
        Resolves this dependency by specifying the transitive mode. This mode has only an effect if the self resolved dependency is of type ProjectDependency. In this case, if transitive is false, only the self resolving dependencies of the project configuration which are no project dependencies are resolved. If transitive is set to true, other project dependencies belonging to the configuration of the resolved project dependency are resolved recursively.
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface SelfResolvingDependency
        transitive - Whether to resolve transitively. Has only an effect on a ProjectDependency
        The files which make up this dependency.