Interface ModuleDependencyCapabilitiesHandler

  • public interface ModuleDependencyCapabilitiesHandler
    The capabilities requested for a dependency. This is used in variant-aware dependency management, to select only variants which provide the requested capabilities. By default, Gradle will only look for variants which provide the "implicit" capability, which corresponds to the GAV coordinates of the component. If the user calls methods on this handler, then the requirements change and explicit capabilities are required.
    • Method Detail

      • requireCapability

        void requireCapability​(java.lang.Object capabilityNotation)
        Requires a single capability.
        capabilityNotation - the capability notation (e.g. group:name:version), Providers of any notation are also accepted
      • requireCapabilities

        void requireCapabilities​(java.lang.Object... capabilityNotations)
        Requires multiple capabilities. The selected variants MUST provide ALL of them to be selected.
        capabilityNotations - the capability notations (e.g. group:name:version), Providers of any notation are also accepted