Interface DependencyResolveDetails

public interface DependencyResolveDetails
Provides details about a dependency when it is resolved. Provides means to manipulate dependency metadata when it is resolved.
  • Method Details

    • getRequested

      ModuleVersionSelector getRequested()
      The module, before it is resolved. The requested module does not change even if there are multiple dependency resolve rules that manipulate the dependency metadata.
    • useVersion

      void useVersion(String version)
      Allows to override the version when the dependency getRequested() is resolved. Can be used to select a version that is different than requested. Forcing modules via ResolutionStrategy.force(Object...) uses this capability. Configuring a version different than requested will cause getTarget() method return a target module with updated target version.

      If you need to change not only the version but also group or name please use the useTarget(Object) method.

      version - to use when resolving this dependency, cannot be null. It is valid to configure the same version as requested.
    • useTarget

      void useTarget(Object notation)
      Allows to override the details of the dependency (see getTarget()) when it is resolved (see getRequested()). This method can be used to change the dependency before it is resolved, e.g. change group, name or version (or all three of them). In many cases users are interested in changing the version. For such scenario you can use the useVersion(String) method.
      notation - the notation that gets parsed into an instance of ModuleVersionSelector. You can pass Strings like 'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.4', Maps like [group: 'org.gradle', name: 'gradle-core', version: '1.4'], or instances of ModuleVersionSelector.
    • getTarget

      The target module selector used to resolve the dependency. Never returns null. Target module is updated when methods like useVersion(String) are used.
    • because

      DependencyResolveDetails because(String description)
      Sets a human readable description for the reason the component is selected. The description will only be used if the rule is actually selecting a target, either using useVersion(String) or useTarget(Object)
      description - a description of the selection reason
      this details object
    • artifactSelection

      DependencyResolveDetails artifactSelection(Action<? super ArtifactSelectionDetails> details)
      Configures the artifact selection for the target component of this dependency resolution rule.
      details - the artifact selection details