Interface ComponentMetadataDetails

    • Method Detail

      • setChanging

        void setChanging​(boolean changing)
        Sets whether the component is changing or immutable.
        changing - whether the component is changing or immutable
      • setStatus

        void setStatus​(java.lang.String status)
        Sets the status of the component. Must match one of the values in ComponentMetadata.getStatusScheme().
        status - the status of the component
      • setStatusScheme

        void setStatusScheme​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> statusScheme)
        Sets the status scheme of the component. Values are ordered from least to most mature status.
        statusScheme - the status scheme of the component
      • withVariant

        void withVariant​(java.lang.String name,
                         Action<? super VariantMetadata> action)
        Add a rule for adjusting an existing variant of the component.
        name - name of the variant to adjust (e.g. 'compile')
        action - the action to modify the variant
      • allVariants

        void allVariants​(Action<? super VariantMetadata> action)
        Add a rule for adjusting all variants of a component.
        action - the action to be executed on each variant.
      • addVariant

        void addVariant​(java.lang.String name,
                        Action<? super VariantMetadata> action)
        Add a rule for adding a new empty variant to the component.
        name - a name for the variant
        action - the action to populate the variant
      • addVariant

        void addVariant​(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.String base,
                        Action<? super VariantMetadata> action)
        Add a rule for adding a new variant to the component. The new variant will be based on an existing variant or configurations of the component and initialized with the same attributes, capabilities, dependencies and artifacts. These can then be modified in the given configuration action. Whether the 'base' is already a variant (with attributes) or a plain configuration (without attributes) depends on the metadata source:
        • Gradle Module Metadata: all variants defined in the metadata are available as base
        • POM Metadata: the 'compile' and 'runtime' variants with the Java ecosystem attributes are available as base
        • Ivy Metadata: all configurations defined in the metadata are available as base
        Note: files (artifacts) are not initialized automatically and always need to be added through VariantMetadata.withFiles(Action).
        name - a name for the variant
        base - name of the variant (pom or Gradle module metadata) or configuration (ivy.xml metadata) from which the new variant will be initialized
        action - the action to populate the variant
      • maybeAddVariant

        void maybeAddVariant​(java.lang.String name,
                             java.lang.String base,
                             Action<? super VariantMetadata> action)
        This is the lenient version of addVariant(String, String, Action). The only difference is that this will do nothing (instead of throwing an error), if the 'base' variant does not exist for a component. This is particularly useful for rules that are applied to ComponentMetadataHandler.all(Class) components.
        name - a name for the variant
        base - name of the variant (pom or Gradle module metadata) or configuration (ivy.xml metadata) from which the new variant will be initialized
        action - the action to populate the variant
      • belongsTo

        void belongsTo​(java.lang.Object notation)
        Declares that this component belongs to a virtual platform, which should be considered during dependency resolution.
        notation - the coordinates of the owner
      • belongsTo

        void belongsTo​(java.lang.Object notation,
                       boolean virtual)
        Declares that this component belongs to a platform, which should be considered during dependency resolution.
        notation - the coordinates of the owner
        virtual - must be set to true if the platform is a virtual platform, or false if it's a published platform