Interface CapabilitiesResolution

public interface CapabilitiesResolution
Allows configuring the capabilities resolution strategy. When there's a capability conflict, this object will let you select what to do in that situation. The configuration can either be global, for any capability by calling the all(Action) method, or it can be specific to a capability by calling one of the withCapability(Object, Action), withCapability(Capability, Action) or withCapability(String, String, Action) methods.
  • Method Details

    • all

      void all(Action<? super CapabilityResolutionDetails> action)
      Configures the resolution strategy of capability conflicts for all capabilities.
      action - the configuration action
    • withCapability

      void withCapability(Capability capability, Action<? super CapabilityResolutionDetails> action)
      Configures the resolution strategy of a specific capability. The capability version is irrelevant.
      capability - a capability to configure
      action - the configuration action
    • withCapability

      void withCapability(String group, String name, Action<? super CapabilityResolutionDetails> action)
      Configures the resolution strategy of a specific capability.
      group - the group of the capability to configure
      name - the name of the capability to configure
      action - the configuration action
    • withCapability

      void withCapability(Object notation, Action<? super CapabilityResolutionDetails> action)
      Configures the resolution strategy of a specific capability.
      notation - the notation of the capability to configure, Providers of any notation are also accepted
      action - the configuration action