
open fun <T> find(pattern: String, items: Map<String, out T>): T(source)

Locates the best match for a camel case pattern in a key set of a map and returns the corresponding value.


The matching item if exactly 1 match found, null if no matches or multiple matches.

See also

open fun find(pattern: String, items: Collection<String>): String(source)

Locates the best match for a camel case pattern in a collection.

The pattern is expanded to match on camel case and on kebab case strings. For example, the pattern gBD matches to gradleBinaryDistribution and gradle-binary-distribution.

The method will return null if the pattern is an empty string.

If the target collection contains the pattern string then the method omits the pattern matching and returns the pattern.


The match if exactly 1 match found, null if no matches or multiple matches.