Interface SignatureType

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSignatureType, ArmoredSignatureType, BinarySignatureType

public interface SignatureType
The type of signature.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Combines the extension of the given file with the expected signature extension.
    fileFor(File toSign)
    Calculates the file where to store the signature of the given file to be signed.
    The file extension (without the leading dot) associated to this type of signature.
    sign(Signatory signatory, File toSign)
    Signs the given file and returns the file where the signature has been written to.
    sign(Signatory signatory, InputStream toSign, OutputStream destination)
    Signs the data from the given InputStream and stores the signature in the given OutputStream.
  • Method Details

    • getExtension

      @Input String getExtension()
      The file extension (without the leading dot) associated to this type of signature.
    • fileFor

      File fileFor(File toSign)
      Calculates the file where to store the signature of the given file to be signed.
      toSign - The file to be signed
      The file where to write the signature of the given file to be signed
    • combinedExtension

      String combinedExtension(File toSign)
      Combines the extension of the given file with the expected signature extension.
      toSign - The file to be signed
      The combined file extension (without the leading dot)
      See Also:
    • sign

      File sign(Signatory signatory, File toSign)
      Signs the given file and returns the file where the signature has been written to.
      signatory - The signatory
      toSign - The file to be signed
      The file where the signature has been written to
    • sign

      void sign(Signatory signatory, InputStream toSign, OutputStream destination)
      Signs the data from the given InputStream and stores the signature in the given OutputStream.
      signatory - The signatory
      toSign - The source of the data to be signed
      destination - Where the signature will be written to