Interface SignatureSpec

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Sign, SignOperation

    public interface SignatureSpec
    Specifies how objects will be signed.
    • Method Detail

      • getSignatory

        Signatory getSignatory()
        The signatory that will be performing the signing.
        the signatory, or null if none specified.
      • setSignatory

        void setSignatory​(Signatory signatory)
        Sets the signatory that will be signing the input.
        signatory - The signatory
      • getSignatureType

        SignatureType getSignatureType()
        The signature representation that will be created.
        the signature type, or null if none specified.
      • setSignatureType

        void setSignatureType​(SignatureType type)
        Sets the signature representation that the signatures will be produced as.
        type - the signature type to use
      • isRequired

        boolean isRequired()
        Whether or not it is required that this signature be generated. A signature may not be able to be generated if a signatory and/or a signature type have not been specified. If it is required and cannot be generated, an exception will be thrown. Otherwise, it will not be generated.
        Whether or not it is required that this signature be generated.
      • setRequired

        void setRequired​(boolean required)
        Whether or not it is required that this signature be generated.
        required - Whether or not it is required that this signature be generated.
        See Also: