Class PropertiesFileContentMerger

  • public class PropertiesFileContentMerger
    extends FileContentMerger
    Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities. Adds properties-related hooks.

    For examples see docs for EclipseJdt and others.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertiesFileContentMerger

        public PropertiesFileContentMerger​(org.gradle.api.internal.PropertiesTransformer transformer)
    • Method Detail

      • getTransformer

        public org.gradle.api.internal.PropertiesTransformer getTransformer()
      • setTransformer

        public void setTransformer​(org.gradle.api.internal.PropertiesTransformer transformer)
      • withProperties

        public void withProperties​(Closure closure)
        Adds a closure to be called when the file has been created. The Properties are passed to the closure as a parameter. The closure can modify the Properties before they are written to the output file.

        For examples see docs for EclipseJdt and others.

        closure - The closure to execute when the Properties have been created.
      • withProperties

        public void withProperties​(Action<java.util.Properties> action)
        Adds an action to be called when the file has been created. The Properties are passed to the action as a parameter. The action can modify the Properties before they are written to the output file.

        For examples see docs for EclipseJdt and others.

        action - The action to execute when the Properties have been created.