Interface GccCompatibleToolChain

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.gradle.api.Named

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void eachPlatform​(Action<? super GccPlatformToolChain> action)
      Adds an action that can fine-tune the tool configuration for each platform supported by this tool chain.
      java.util.List<> getPath()
      The paths setting required for executing the tool chain.
      void path​(java.lang.Object... pathEntries)
      Append an entry or entries to the tool chain path.
      void setTargets​(java.lang.String... platformNames)
      Override the current platform configuration with target platforms specified by name
      void target​(java.lang.String platformName)
      Add support for target platform specified by name.
      void target​(java.lang.String platformName, Action<? super GccPlatformToolChain> action)
      Add configuration for a target platform specified by name with additional configuration action.
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        java.util.List<> getPath()
        The paths setting required for executing the tool chain. These are used to locate tools for this tool chain, and are prepended to the system PATH when executing these tools.
      • path

        void path​(java.lang.Object... pathEntries)
        Append an entry or entries to the tool chain path.
        pathEntries - The path values to append. These are evaluated as per Project.files(Object...)
      • target

        void target​(java.lang.String platformName)
        Add support for target platform specified by name.
      • target

        void target​(java.lang.String platformName,
                    Action<? super GccPlatformToolChain> action)
        Add configuration for a target platform specified by name with additional configuration action.
      • setTargets

        void setTargets​(java.lang.String... platformNames)
        Override the current platform configuration with target platforms specified by name
      • eachPlatform

        void eachPlatform​(Action<? super GccPlatformToolChain> action)
        Adds an action that can fine-tune the tool configuration for each platform supported by this tool chain.