Interface NativePlatform

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Describable, Named, Platform

    public interface NativePlatform
    extends Platform, Describable
    A target platform for building native binaries. Each target platform is given a name, and may optionally be given a specific Architecture and/or OperatingSystem to target.
         model {
             platforms {
                 windows_x86 {
                     architecture "i386"
                     operatingSystem "windows"
    • Method Detail

      • getArchitecture

        Architecture getArchitecture()
        The cpu architecture being targeted. Defaults to the default architecture produced by the tool chain.
      • architecture

        void architecture​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the cpu architecture being targeted.

        The architecture is provided as a string name, which is translated into one of the supported architecture types.

        See Also:
        Supported notations.
      • getOperatingSystem

        OperatingSystem getOperatingSystem()
        The operating system being targeted. Defaults to the default operating system targeted by the tool chain (normally the current operating system).
      • operatingSystem

        void operatingSystem​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the operating system being targeted.

        The operating system is provided as a string name, which is translated into one of the supported operating system types.

        See Also:
        Supported notations.