Interface CppComponent

    • Method Detail

      • getBaseName

        Property<java.lang.String> getBaseName()
        Specifies the base name for this component. This name is used to calculate various output file names. The default value is calculated from the project name.
      • getSource

        ConfigurableFileCollection getSource()
        Defines the source files or directories of this component. You can add files or directories to this collection. When a directory is added, all source files are included for compilation.

        When this collection is empty, the directory src/main/cpp is used by default.

      • getPrivateHeaders

        ConfigurableFileCollection getPrivateHeaders()
        Defines the private header file directories of this library.

        When this collection is empty, the directory src/main/headers is used by default.

      • getHeaderFiles

        FileTree getHeaderFiles()
        Returns all header files of this component. Includes public and private header files.
      • getImplementationDependencies

        Configuration getImplementationDependencies()
        Returns the implementation dependencies of this component.