Interface BuildCacheConfiguration

  • public interface BuildCacheConfiguration
    Configuration for the build cache for an entire Gradle build.
    • Method Detail

      • registerBuildCacheService

        <T extends BuildCache> void registerBuildCacheService​(java.lang.Class<T> configurationType,
                                                              java.lang.Class<? extends BuildCacheServiceFactory<? super T>> buildCacheServiceFactoryType)
        Registers a custom build cache type.
        configurationType - Configuration type used to provide parameters to a BuildCacheService
        buildCacheServiceFactoryType - Implementation type of BuildCacheServiceFactory that is used to create a BuildCacheService
      • local

        void local​(Action<? super DirectoryBuildCache> configuration)
        Executes the given action against the local configuration.
        configuration - the action to execute against the local cache configuration.
      • getRemote

        BuildCache getRemote()
        Returns the remote cache configuration.
      • remote

        <T extends BuildCache> T remote​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
        Configures a remote cache with the given type.

        If a remote build cache has already been configured with a different type, this method replaces it.

        Storing ("push") in the remote build cache is disabled by default.

        type - the type of remote cache to configure.
      • remote

        <T extends BuildCache> T remote​(java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                        Action<? super T> configuration)
        Configures a remote cache with the given type.

        If a remote build cache has already been configured with a different type, this method replaces it.

        If a remote build cache has already been configured with the same, this method configures it.

        Storing ("push") in the remote build cache is disabled by default.

        type - the type of remote cache to configure.
        configuration - the configuration to execute against the remote cache.
      • remote

        void remote​(Action<? super BuildCache> configuration)
        Executes the given action against the currently configured remote cache.
        configuration - the action to execute against the currently configured remote cache.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If no remote cache has been assigned yet