Interface TestLogging

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface TestLogging
    Options that determine which test events get logged, and at which detail.
    • Method Detail

      • getEvents

        java.util.Set<TestLogEvent> getEvents()
        Returns the events to be logged.
        the events to be logged
      • setEvents

        void setEvents​(java.util.Set<TestLogEvent> events)
        Sets the events to be logged.
        events - the events to be logged
      • setEvents

        void setEvents​(java.lang.Iterable<?> events)
        Sets the events to be logged.
        events - the events to be logged
      • events

        void events​(java.lang.Object... events)
        Sets the events to be logged. Events can be passed as enum values (e.g. TestLogEvent.FAILED) or Strings (e.g. "failed").
        events - the events to be logged
      • getMinGranularity

        int getMinGranularity()
        Returns the minimum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to events from the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values may extend higher if user-defined suites or parameterized test methods are executed. Events from levels lower than the specified granularity will be ignored.

        The default granularity is -1, which specifies that test events from only the most granular level should be logged. In other words, if a test method is not parameterized, only events from the test method will be logged and events from the test class and lower will be ignored. On the other hand, if a test method is parameterized, then events from the iterations of that test method will be logged and events from the test method and lower will be ignored.

        the minimum granularity of the events to be logged
      • setMinGranularity

        void setMinGranularity​(int granularity)
        Sets the minimum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to events from the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values may extend higher if user-defined suites or parameterized test methods are executed. Events from levels lower than the specified granularity will be ignored.

        The default granularity is -1, which specifies that test events from only the most granular level should be logged. In other words, if a test method is not parameterized, only events from the test method will be logged and events from the test class and lower will be ignored. On the other hand, if a test method is parameterized, then events from the iterations of that test method will be logged and events from the test method and lower will be ignored.

        granularity - the minimum granularity of the events to be logged
      • getMaxGranularity

        int getMaxGranularity()
        Returns the maximum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values may extend higher if user-defined suites or parameterized test methods are executed. Events from levels higher than the specified granularity will be ignored.

        The default granularity is -1, which specifies that test events from only the most granular level should be logged. Setting this value to something lower will cause events from a higher level to be ignored. For example, setting the value to 3 will cause only events from the test method level to be logged and any events from iterations of a parameterized test method will be ignored.

        the maximum granularity of the events to be logged
      • setMaxGranularity

        void setMaxGranularity​(int granularity)
        Returns the maximum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values may extend higher if user-defined suites or parameterized test methods are executed. Events from levels higher than the specified granularity will be ignored.

        The default granularity is -1, which specifies that test events from only the most granular level should be logged. Setting this value to something lower will cause events from a higher level to be ignored. For example, setting the value to 3 will cause only events from the test method level to be logged and any events from iterations of a parameterized test method will be ignored.

        Note that since the default value of getMinGranularity() is -1 (the highest level of granularity) it only makes sense to configure the maximum granularity while also setting the minimum granularity to a value greater than -1.

        granularity - the maximum granularity of the events to be logged
      • getDisplayGranularity

        int getDisplayGranularity()
        Returns the display granularity of the events to be logged. For example, if set to 0, a method-level event will be displayed as "Test Run > Test Worker x > org.SomeClass > org.someMethod". If set to 2, the same event will be displayed as "org.someClass > org.someMethod".

        -1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.

        the display granularity of the events to be logged
      • setDisplayGranularity

        void setDisplayGranularity​(int granularity)
        Sets the display granularity of the events to be logged. For example, if set to 0, a method-level event will be displayed as "Test Run > Test Worker x > org.SomeClass > org.someMethod". If set to 2, the same event will be displayed as "org.someClass > org.someMethod".

        -1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.

        granularity - the display granularity of the events to be logged
      • getShowExceptions

        boolean getShowExceptions()
        Tells whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Typically these exceptions coincide with a "failed" event. Defaults to true.
        whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged
      • setShowExceptions

        void setShowExceptions​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Defaults to true.
        flag - whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged
      • getShowCauses

        boolean getShowCauses()
        Tells whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Only relevant if showExceptions is true. Defaults to true.
        whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged
      • setShowCauses

        void setShowCauses​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Only relevant if showExceptions is true. Defaults to true.
        flag - whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged
      • getShowStackTraces

        boolean getShowStackTraces()
        Tells whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Defaults to true.
        whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged
      • setShowStackTraces

        void setShowStackTraces​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Defaults to true.
        flag - whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged
      • getExceptionFormat

        TestExceptionFormat getExceptionFormat()
        Returns the format to be used for logging test exceptions. Only relevant if showStackTraces is true. Defaults to TestExceptionFormat.FULL for the INFO and DEBUG log levels and TestExceptionFormat.SHORT for the LIFECYCLE log level.
        the format to be used for logging test exceptions
      • setExceptionFormat

        void setExceptionFormat​(TestExceptionFormat exceptionFormat)
        Sets the format to be used for logging test exceptions. Only relevant if showStackTraces is true. Defaults to TestExceptionFormat.FULL for the INFO and DEBUG log levels and TestExceptionFormat.SHORT for the LIFECYCLE log level.
        exceptionFormat - the format to be used for logging test exceptions
      • setExceptionFormat

        void setExceptionFormat​(java.lang.Object exceptionFormat)
        Sets the format to be used for logging test exceptions. Only relevant if showStackTraces is true. Defaults to TestExceptionFormat.FULL for the INFO and DEBUG log levels and TestExceptionFormat.SHORT for the LIFECYCLE log level.
        exceptionFormat - the format to be used for logging test exceptions
      • getStackTraceFilters

        java.util.Set<TestStackTraceFilter> getStackTraceFilters()
        Returns the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces.
        the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces
      • setStackTraceFilters

        void setStackTraceFilters​(java.util.Set<TestStackTraceFilter> stackTraces)
        Sets the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces.
        stackTraces - the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces
      • setStackTraceFilters

        void setStackTraceFilters​(java.lang.Iterable<?> stackTraces)
        Sets the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces.
        stackTraces - the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces
      • getShowStandardStreams

        boolean getShowStandardStreams()
        Tells whether output on standard out and standard error will be logged. Equivalent to checking if both log events TestLogEvent.STANDARD_OUT and TestLogEvent.STANDARD_ERROR are set.
      • setShowStandardStreams

        TestLogging setShowStandardStreams​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether output on standard out and standard error will be logged. Equivalent to setting log events TestLogEvent.STANDARD_OUT and TestLogEvent.STANDARD_ERROR.