Interface JUnitXmlReport

All Superinterfaces:
Configurable<Report>, ConfigurableReport, DirectoryReport, Report

public interface JUnitXmlReport extends DirectoryReport
The JUnit XML files, commonly used to communicate results to CI servers.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isOutputPerTestCase

      @Input boolean isOutputPerTestCase()
      Should the output be associated with individual test cases instead of at the suite level.
    • setOutputPerTestCase

      void setOutputPerTestCase(boolean outputPerTestCase)
      Should the output be associated with individual test cases instead of at the suite level.
    • getMergeReruns

      @Input Property<Boolean> getMergeReruns()
      Whether reruns or retries of a test should be merged into a combined testcase. When enabled, the XML output will be very similar to the surefire plugin of Apache Maven™ when enabling reruns. If a test fails but is then retried and succeeds, its failures will be recorded as <flakyFailure> instead of <failure>, within one <testcase>. This can be important for build tooling that uses this XML to understand test results, and where distinguishing such passed-on-retry outcomes is important. This is the case for the Jenkins CI server and its Flaky Test Handler plugin. This value defaults to false, causing each test execution to be a discrete <testcase>.
      See Also:
    • getIncludeSystemOutLog

      @Input @Incubating Property<Boolean> getIncludeSystemOutLog()
      Decide to include or omit the system out log in the XML report. The default behavior is to have it.
    • getIncludeSystemErrLog

      @Input @Incubating Property<Boolean> getIncludeSystemErrLog()
      Decide to include or omit the system err log in the XML report. The default behavior is to have it.