Package org.gradle.api.tasks
Class Upload
- All Implemented Interfaces:
@DisableCachingByDefault(because="Produces no cacheable output")
public abstract class Upload
extends org.gradle.api.internal.ConventionTask
This class is scheduled for removal in a future version. To upload artifacts, use the `maven-publish` or `ivy-publish` plugins instead.
This task is no longer supported and will throw an exception if you try to use it.
It is preserved solely for backwards compatibility and may be removed in a future version.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.gradle.api.Task
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.gradle.api.Task
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDeprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.protected abstract org.gradle.api.internal.DocumentationRegistry
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.boolean
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.repositories
(Closure configureClosure) Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.repositories
(Action<? super RepositoryHandler> configureAction) Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.void
(Configuration configuration) Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.void
(File descriptorDestination) Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.void
(boolean uploadDescriptor) Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.protected void
Deprecated.Methods inherited from class org.gradle.api.internal.ConventionTask
conventionMapping, conventionMapping, getConventionMapping
Methods inherited from class org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
compareTo, configure, dependsOn, doFirst, doFirst, doFirst, doLast, doLast, doLast, finalizedBy, getActions, getAnt, getDependsOn, getDescription, getDestroyables, getDidWork, getEnabled, getExtensions, getFinalizedBy, getGroup, getInputs, getLocalState, getLogger, getLogging, getMustRunAfter, getName, getOutputs, getPath, getProject, getShouldRunAfter, getState, getTaskDependencies, getTemporaryDir, getTimeout, hasProperty, mustRunAfter, onlyIf, onlyIf, onlyIf, property, setActions, setDependsOn, setDescription, setDidWork, setEnabled, setFinalizedBy, setGroup, setMustRunAfter, setOnlyIf, setOnlyIf, setOnlyIf, setProperty, setShouldRunAfter, shouldRunAfter, usesService
Methods inherited from class org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask
acceptServiceReferences, appendParallelSafeAction, doNotTrackState, getAsDynamicObject, getConvention, getIdentityPath, getImpliesSubProjects, getLifecycleDependencies, getOnlyIf, getReasonNotToTrackState, getReasonTaskIsIncompatibleWithConfigurationCache, getRequiredServices, getServices, getSharedResources, getStandardOutputCapture, getTaskActions, getTaskIdentity, getTemporaryDirFactory, hasTaskActions, injectIntoNewInstance, isCompatibleWithConfigurationCache, isEnabled, isHasCustomActions, notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache, prependParallelSafeAction, setImpliesSubProjects
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.gradle.api.Task
doNotTrackState, getConvention, notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache
Constructor Details
public Upload()Deprecated.
Method Details
@Deprecated @Inject protected abstract org.gradle.api.internal.DocumentationRegistry getDocumentationRegistry()Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it is for internal use only. -
protected void upload()Deprecated. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it will always returnfalse
. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it does nothing. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it will always returnnull
. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it does nothing. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it will always returnnull
. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it will always returnnull
. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it does nothing. -
@Nullable @Deprecated public RepositoryHandler repositories(@Nullable @DelegatesTo(RepositoryHandler.class) Closure configureClosure) Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it will always returnnull
. -
@Nullable @Deprecated public RepositoryHandler repositories(Action<? super RepositoryHandler> configureAction) Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it will always returnnull
. -
Deprecated.This class is scheduled for removal in a future version, this method should not be used.Do not use this method, it must return a non-null
value as an input property to all the task to run, but this value should not be relied upon for anything.