Interface TaskOutputFilePropertyBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • withPropertyName

        TaskOutputFilePropertyBuilder withPropertyName​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Sets the name for this property. The name must be a non-empty string.

        If the method is not called, or if it is called with null, a name will be assigned to the property automatically.

        Specified by:
        withPropertyName in interface TaskFilePropertyBuilder
      • optional

        TaskOutputFilePropertyBuilder optional()
        Marks a task property as optional. This means that a value does not have to be specified for the property, but any value specified must meet the validation constraints for the property.
      • optional

        TaskOutputFilePropertyBuilder optional​(boolean optional)
        Sets whether the task property is optional. If the task property is optional, it means that a value does not have to be specified for the property, but any value specified must meet the validation constraints for the property.