Class TypeOf<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Parameterized type

    public abstract class TypeOf<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides a way to preserve high-fidelity Type information on generic types. Capture a generic type with an anonymous subclass. For example:
       new TypeOf<NamedDomainObjectContainer<ArtifactRepository>>() {}
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected TypeOf()  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
      java.util.List<TypeOf<?>> getActualTypeArguments()
      Returns the list of type arguments used in the construction of this parameterized type.
      TypeOf<?> getComponentType()
      Returns the component type of the array type this object represents.
      java.lang.Class<T> getConcreteClass()
      This returns the underlying, concrete Java Class.
      java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName()
      Fully Qualified name.
      TypeOf<?> getLowerBound()
      Returns the first declared lower-bound of the wildcard type expression represented by this type.
      TypeOf<?> getParameterizedTypeDefinition()
      Returns an object that represents the type from which this parameterized type was constructed.
      java.lang.String getSimpleName()
      Simple name.
      TypeOf<?> getUpperBound()
      Returns the first declared upper-bound of the wildcard type expression represented by this type.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean isArray()
      Queries whether this object represents an array, generic or otherwise.
      boolean isAssignableFrom​(java.lang.reflect.Type type)
      Is this type assignable from the given type?
      boolean isAssignableFrom​(TypeOf<?> type)
      Is this type assignable from the given type?
      boolean isParameterized()
      Queries whether this object represents a parameterized type.
      boolean isPublic()
      Queries whether the type represented by this object is public (Modifier.isPublic(int)).
      boolean isSimple()
      Queries whether this object represents a simple (non-composite) type, not an array and not a generic type.
      boolean isSynthetic()
      Queries whether this object represents a synthetic type as defined by Class.isSynthetic().
      boolean isWildcard()
      Queries whether this object represents a wildcard type expression, such as ?, ? extends Number, or ? super Integer.
      static TypeOf<?> parameterizedTypeOf​(TypeOf<?> parameterizedType, TypeOf<?>... typeArguments)
      Constructs a new parameterized type from a given parameterized type definition and an array of type arguments.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      static <T> TypeOf<T> typeOf​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
      Creates an instance of TypeOf for the given Class.
      static <T> TypeOf<T> typeOf​(java.lang.reflect.Type type)
      Creates an instance of TypeOf for the given Type.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeOf

        protected TypeOf()
    • Method Detail

      • typeOf

        public static <T> TypeOf<T> typeOf​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
        Creates an instance of TypeOf for the given Class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the parameterized type of the given Class
        type - the Class
        the TypeOf that captures the generic type of the given Class
      • typeOf

        public static <T> TypeOf<T> typeOf​(java.lang.reflect.Type type)
        Creates an instance of TypeOf for the given Type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the parameterized type of the given Type
        type - the Type
        the TypeOf that captures the generic type of the given Type
      • parameterizedTypeOf

        public static TypeOf<?> parameterizedTypeOf​(TypeOf<?> parameterizedType,
                                                    TypeOf<?>... typeArguments)
        Constructs a new parameterized type from a given parameterized type definition and an array of type arguments. For example, parameterizedTypeOf(new TypeOf<List<?>>() {}, new TypeOf<String>() {}) is equivalent to new TypeOf<List<String>>() {}, except both the parameterized type definition and type arguments can be dynamically computed.
        parameterizedType - the parameterized type from which to construct the new parameterized type
        typeArguments - the arguments with which to construct the new parameterized type
        See Also:
      • isSimple

        public boolean isSimple()
        Queries whether this object represents a simple (non-composite) type, not an array and not a generic type.
        true if this object represents a simple type.
      • isSynthetic

        public boolean isSynthetic()
        Queries whether this object represents a synthetic type as defined by Class.isSynthetic().
        true if this object represents a synthetic type.
      • isPublic

        public boolean isPublic()
        Queries whether the type represented by this object is public (Modifier.isPublic(int)).
        See Also:
        Modifier.isPublic(int), Class.getModifiers()
      • isArray

        public boolean isArray()
        Queries whether this object represents an array, generic or otherwise.
        true if this object represents an array.
        See Also:
      • getComponentType

        public TypeOf<?> getComponentType()
        Returns the component type of the array type this object represents.
        null if this object does not represent an array type.
        See Also:
      • getParameterizedTypeDefinition

        public TypeOf<?> getParameterizedTypeDefinition()
        Returns an object that represents the type from which this parameterized type was constructed.
        See Also:
      • getActualTypeArguments

        public java.util.List<TypeOf<?>> getActualTypeArguments()
        Returns the list of type arguments used in the construction of this parameterized type.
        See Also:
      • isWildcard

        public boolean isWildcard()
        Queries whether this object represents a wildcard type expression, such as ?, ? extends Number, or ? super Integer.
        true if this object represents a wildcard type expression.
        See Also:
      • getUpperBound

        public TypeOf<?> getUpperBound()
        Returns the first declared upper-bound of the wildcard type expression represented by this type.
        null if no upper-bound has been explicitly declared.
      • getLowerBound

        public TypeOf<?> getLowerBound()
        Returns the first declared lower-bound of the wildcard type expression represented by this type.
        null if no lower-bound has been explicitly declared.
      • isAssignableFrom

        public final boolean isAssignableFrom​(TypeOf<?> type)
        Is this type assignable from the given type?
        type - the given type
        true if this type is assignable from the given type, false otherwise
      • isAssignableFrom

        public final boolean isAssignableFrom​(java.lang.reflect.Type type)
        Is this type assignable from the given type?
        type - the given type
        true if this type is assignable from the given type, false otherwise
      • getSimpleName

        public java.lang.String getSimpleName()
        Simple name.
        this type's simple name
      • getFullyQualifiedName

        public java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName()
        Fully Qualified name.
        this type's FQN
      • getConcreteClass

        public java.lang.Class<T> getConcreteClass()

        This returns the underlying, concrete Java Class.

        For example, a simple TypeOf<String> will be the given generic type String.class.
        Generic types like TypeOf<List<String>> would have the concrete type of List.class.
        For array types like TypeOf<String[]>, the concrete type will be an array of the component type (String[].class).

        Underlying Java Class of this type.
      • toString

        public final java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object