Interface ListProperty<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of elements.
All Superinterfaces:
HasConfigurableValue, HasMultipleValues<T>, Provider<List<T>>, SupportsConvention

public interface ListProperty<T> extends Provider<List<T>>, HasMultipleValues<T>
Represents a property whose type is a List of elements of type ListProperty.

You can create a ListProperty instance using factory method ObjectFactory.listProperty(Class).

Instances of this interface are not thread-safe for reading and writing. It is not safe to share the same ListProperty instance between different projects.

Note: This interface is not intended for implementation by build script or plugin authors.

  • Method Details

    • empty

      ListProperty<T> empty()
      Sets the value of this property to an empty collection, and replaces any existing value.
      Specified by:
      empty in interface HasMultipleValues<T>
      this property.
    • value

      ListProperty<T> value(@Nullable Iterable<? extends T> elements)
      Sets the value of the property to the elements of the given iterable, and replaces any existing value. This property will query the elements of the iterable each time the value of this property is queried.

      This is the same as HasMultipleValues.set(Iterable) but returns this property to allow method chaining.

      Specified by:
      value in interface HasMultipleValues<T>
      elements - The elements, can be null.
    • value

      ListProperty<T> value(Provider<? extends Iterable<? extends T>> provider)
      Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value. This property will track the value of the provider and query its value each time the value of this property is queried. When the provider has no value, this property will also have no value.

      This is the same as HasMultipleValues.set(Provider) but returns this property to allow method chaining.

      Specified by:
      value in interface HasMultipleValues<T>
      provider - Provider of the elements.
    • convention

      ListProperty<T> convention(@Nullable Iterable<? extends T> elements)
      Specifies the value to use as the convention for this property. The convention is used when no value has been set for this property.
      Specified by:
      convention in interface HasMultipleValues<T>
      elements - The elements, or null when the convention is that the property has no value.
    • convention

      ListProperty<T> convention(Provider<? extends Iterable<? extends T>> provider)
      Specifies the provider of the value to use as the convention for this property. The convention is used when no value has been set for this property.
      Specified by:
      convention in interface HasMultipleValues<T>
      provider - The provider of the elements
    • unset

      ListProperty<T> unset()
      Unsets this object's explicit value, allowing the convention to be selected when evaluating this object's value.

      This is similar to calling value(Iterable) with a null argument.

      Specified by:
      unset in interface SupportsConvention
    • unsetConvention

      ListProperty<T> unsetConvention()
      Unsets this object's convention value.

      This is similar to calling convention(Iterable) with a null argument.

      Specified by:
      unsetConvention in interface SupportsConvention