Interface ProjectDescriptor

  • public interface ProjectDescriptor

    A ProjectDescriptor declares the configuration required to create and evaluate a Project.

    A ProjectDescriptor is created when you add a project to the build from the settings script, using Settings.include(String...). You can access the descriptors using one of the lookup methods on the Settings object.

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of this project.
        The name of the project. Never returns null.
      • setName

        void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the name of this project.
        name - The new name for the project. Should not be null
      • getProjectDir getProjectDir()
        Returns the project directory of this project.
        The project directory. Never returns null.
      • setProjectDir

        void setProjectDir​( dir)
        Sets the project directory of this project.
        dir - The new project directory. Should not be null.
      • getBuildFileName

        java.lang.String getBuildFileName()
        Returns the name of the build file for this project. This name is interpreted relative to the project directory.
        The build file name.
      • setBuildFileName

        void setBuildFileName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the name of the build file. This name is interpreted relative to the project directory.
        name - The build file name. Should not be null.
      • getBuildFile getBuildFile()
        Returns the build file for this project.
        The build file. Never returns null.
      • getParent

        ProjectDescriptor getParent()
        Returns the parent of this project, if any. Returns null if this project is the root project.
        The parent, or null if this is the root project.
      • getChildren

        java.util.Set<ProjectDescriptor> getChildren()
        Returns the children of this project, if any.
        The children. Returns an empty set if this project does not have any children.
      • getPath

        java.lang.String getPath()
        Returns the path of this project. The path can be used as a unique identifier for this project.
        The path. Never returns null.