Interface CompatibilityCheckDetails<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the concrete type of the attribute

    public interface CompatibilityCheckDetails<T>
    Provides context about attribute compatibility checks, and allows the user to define when an attribute is compatible with another.

    A compatibility check will never be performed when the consumer and producer values are equal.

    • Method Detail

      • getConsumerValue

        T getConsumerValue()
        The value of the attribute as found on the consumer side.

        Never equal to the getProducerValue().

        the value from the consumer
      • getProducerValue

        T getProducerValue()
        The value of the attribute as found on the producer side.

        Never equal to the getConsumerValue().

        the value from the producer
      • compatible

        void compatible()
        Calling this method will indicate that the attributes are compatible.
      • incompatible

        void incompatible()
        Calling this method will indicate that the attributes are incompatible.