Interface FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository
    extends ArtifactRepository
    A repository that looks into a number of directories for artifacts. The artifacts are expected to be located in the root of the specified directories. The repository ignores any group/organization information specified in the dependency section of your build script. If you only use this kind of resolver you can specify your dependencies like :junit:4.8.1 instead of junit:junit:4.8.1.

    To resolve a dependency, this resolver looks for one of the following files. It will return the first match it finds:

    • [artifact]-[version].[ext]
    • [artifact]-[version]-[classifier].[ext]
    • [artifact].[ext]
    • [artifact]-[classifier].[ext]
    So, for example, to resolve :junit:junit:4.8.1, this repository will look for junit-4.8.1.jar and then junit.jar.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void dir​(java.lang.Object dir)
      Adds a directory where this repository will look for artifacts.
      void dirs​(java.lang.Object... dirs)
      Adds some directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
      java.util.Set<> getDirs()
      Returns the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
      void setDirs​(java.lang.Iterable<?> dirs)
      Sets the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
      void setDirs​(java.util.Set<> dirs)
      Sets the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
    • Method Detail

      • getDirs

        java.util.Set<> getDirs()
        Returns the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
        The directories. Never null.
      • dir

        void dir​(java.lang.Object dir)
        Adds a directory where this repository will look for artifacts.

        The provided value are evaluated as per Project.file(Object).

        dir - the directory
      • dirs

        void dirs​(java.lang.Object... dirs)
        Adds some directories where this repository will look for artifacts.

        The provided values are evaluated as per Project.files(Object...).

        dirs - the directories.
      • setDirs

        void setDirs​(java.util.Set<> dirs)
        Sets the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
        dirs - the directories.
      • setDirs

        void setDirs​(java.lang.Iterable<?> dirs)
        Sets the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.

        The provided values are evaluated as per Project.files(Object...).

        dirs - the directories.