Package org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
Classes that provide meta-data about software components.
Interface Summary Interface Description BuildIdentifier Identifies a Gradle build.ComponentArtifactIdentifier An opaque immutable identifier for an artifact that belongs to some component instance.ComponentIdentifier An opaque immutable identifier for a component instance.ComponentSelector Represents some opaque criteria used to select a component instance during dependency resolution.LibraryBinaryIdentifier An identifier for a library instance that is built as part of the current build.LibraryComponentSelector Criteria for selecting a library instance that is built as part of the current build.ModuleComponentIdentifier An identifier for a component instance which is available as a module version.ModuleComponentSelector Criteria for selecting a component instance that is available as a module version.ProjectComponentIdentifier An identifier for a component instance that is built as part of the current build.ProjectComponentSelector Criteria for selecting a component instance that is built as part of the current build.