Interface ComponentModuleMetadataDetails

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void replacedBy​(java.lang.Object moduleNotation)
      Configures a replacement module for this module.
      void replacedBy​(java.lang.Object moduleNotation, java.lang.String reason)
      Configures a replacement module for this module and provides an explanation for the replacement.
    • Method Detail

      • replacedBy

        void replacedBy​(java.lang.Object moduleNotation)
        Configures a replacement module for this module. A real world example: '' is replaced by ''. Subsequent invocations of this method replace the previous 'replacedBy' value. For information and examples please see ComponentMetadataHandler.
        moduleNotation - a String like '', an instance of ModuleVersionIdentifier, null is not permitted
      • replacedBy

        void replacedBy​(java.lang.Object moduleNotation,
                        java.lang.String reason)
        Configures a replacement module for this module and provides an explanation for the replacement. A real world example: '' is replaced by ''. Subsequent invocations of this method replace the previous 'replacedBy' value. For information and examples please see ComponentMetadataHandler.
        moduleNotation - a String like '', an instance of ModuleVersionIdentifier, null is not permitted
        reason - the reason for the replacement, for diagnostics