Interface FileCollection

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  FileCollection.AntType
      Ant types which a FileCollection can be mapped to.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.Object addToAntBuilder​(java.lang.Object builder, java.lang.String nodeName)
      Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node.
      void addToAntBuilder​(java.lang.Object builder, java.lang.String nodeName, FileCollection.AntType type)
      Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node.
      boolean contains​( file)
      Determines whether this collection contains the given file.
      FileCollection filter​(Closure filterClosure)
      Restricts the contents of this collection to those files which match the given criteria.
      FileCollection filter​(Spec<? super> filterSpec)
      Restricts the contents of this collection to those files which match the given criteria.
      FileTree getAsFileTree()
      Converts this collection to a FileTree, if not already.
      java.lang.String getAsPath()
      Returns the contents of this collection as a platform-specific path.
      Provider<java.util.Set<FileSystemLocation>> getElements()
      Returns the contents of this file collection as a Provider of FileSystemLocation instances.
      java.util.Set<> getFiles()
      Returns the contents of this collection as a Set. getSingleFile()
      Returns the content of this collection, asserting it contains exactly one file.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if this collection is empty.
      FileCollection minus​(FileCollection collection)
      Returns a FileCollection which contains the difference between this collection and the given collection.
      FileCollection plus​(FileCollection collection)
      Returns a FileCollection which contains the union of this collection and the given collection.
      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

        forEach, iterator, spliterator
    • Method Detail

      • getSingleFile getSingleFile()
                            throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
        Returns the content of this collection, asserting it contains exactly one file.
        The file.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - when this collection does not contain exactly one file.
      • getFiles

        java.util.Set<> getFiles()
        Returns the contents of this collection as a Set. The contents of a file collection may change over time.

        Note that this method returns File objects that represent locations on the file system. These File objects do not necessarily refer to regular files. Depending on the implementation of this file collection and how it has been configured, the returned set may contain directories, or missing files, or any other kind of file system element.

        The files. Returns an empty set if this collection is empty.
      • contains

        boolean contains​( file)
        Determines whether this collection contains the given file. Generally, this method is more efficient than calling getFiles().contains(file).
        file - The file to check for.
        true if this collection contains the given file, false otherwise.
      • getAsPath

        java.lang.String getAsPath()
        Returns the contents of this collection as a platform-specific path. This can be used, for example, in an Ant <path> element.
        The path. Returns an empty string if this collection is empty.
      • plus

        FileCollection plus​(FileCollection collection)

        Returns a FileCollection which contains the union of this collection and the given collection. The returned collection is live, and tracks changes to both source collections.

        You can call this method in your build script using the + operator.

        collection - The other collection. Should not be null.
        A new collection containing the union.
      • minus

        FileCollection minus​(FileCollection collection)

        Returns a FileCollection which contains the difference between this collection and the given collection. The returned collection is live, and tracks changes to both source collections.

        You can call this method in your build script using the - operator.

        collection - The other collection. Should not be null.
        A new collection containing the difference.
      • filter

        FileCollection filter​(Closure filterClosure)

        Restricts the contents of this collection to those files which match the given criteria. The filtered collection is live, so that it reflects any changes to this collection.

        The given closure is passed the @{link File} as a parameter, and should return a boolean value. The closure should return true to include the file in the result and false to exclude the file from the result.

        filterClosure - The closure to use to select the contents of the filtered collection.
        The filtered collection.
      • filter

        FileCollection filter​(Spec<? super> filterSpec)

        Restricts the contents of this collection to those files which match the given criteria. The filtered collection is live, so that it reflects any changes to this collection.

        filterSpec - The criteria to use to select the contents of the filtered collection.
        The filtered collection.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if this collection is empty. Generally, calling this method is more efficient than calling getFiles().isEmpty().
        true if this collection is empty, false otherwise.
      • getAsFileTree

        FileTree getAsFileTree()
        Converts this collection to a FileTree, if not already. For each file in this collection, the resulting file tree will contain the source file at the root of the tree. For each directory in this collection, the resulting file tree will contain all the files under the source directory.

        The returned FileTree is live, and tracks changes to this file collection and the producer tasks of this file collection.

        this collection as a FileTree. Never returns null.
      • addToAntBuilder

        void addToAntBuilder​(java.lang.Object builder,
                             java.lang.String nodeName,
                             FileCollection.AntType type)
        Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node. The given type determines how this collection is added:
        • FileCollection.AntType.MatchingTask: adds this collection to an Ant MatchingTask. The collection is converted to a set of source directories and include and exclude patterns. The source directories as added as an Ant Path with the given node name. The patterns are added using 'include' and 'exclude' nodes.
        • FileCollection.AntType.FileSet: adds this collection as zero or more Ant FileSets with the given node name.
        • FileCollection.AntType.ResourceCollection: adds this collection as zero or more Ant ResourceCollections with the given node name.
        You should prefer using FileCollection.AntType.ResourceCollection, if the target Ant task supports it, as this is generally the most efficient. Using the other types may involve copying the contents of this collection to a temporary directory.
        builder - The builder to add this collection to.
        nodeName - The target node name.
        type - The target Ant type
      • addToAntBuilder

        java.lang.Object addToAntBuilder​(java.lang.Object builder,
                                         java.lang.String nodeName)
        Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node. Equivalent to calling addToAntBuilder(builder, nodeName,AntType.ResourceCollection).
        Specified by:
        addToAntBuilder in interface AntBuilderAware