Gradle Daemon
A daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user.
Gradle runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and uses several supporting libraries with non-trivial initialization time. Startups can be slow. The Gradle Daemon solves this problem.
The Gradle Daemon is a long-lived background process that reduces the time it takes to run a build.
The Gradle Daemon reduces build times by:
Caching project information across builds
Running in the background so every Gradle build doesn’t have to wait for JVM startup
Benefiting from continuous runtime optimization in the JVM
Watching the file system to calculate exactly what needs to be rebuilt before you run a build
Understanding the Daemon
The Gradle JVM client sends the Daemon build information such as command line arguments, project directories, and environment variables so that it can run the build. The Daemon is responsible for resolving dependencies, executing build scripts, creating and running tasks; when it is done, it sends the client the output. Communication between the client and the Daemon happens via a local socket connection.
Daemons use the JVM’s default minimum heap size.
If the requested build environment does not specify a maximum heap size, the Daemon uses up to 512MB of heap. 512MB is adequate for most builds. Larger builds with hundreds of subprojects, configuration, and source code may benefit from a larger heap size.
Check Daemon status
To get a list of running Daemons and their statuses, use the --status
$ gradle --status
PID STATUS INFO 28486 IDLE 7.5 34247 BUSY 7.5
Currently, a given Gradle version can only connect to Daemons of the same version. This means the status output only shows Daemons spawned running the same version of Gradle as the current project.
Find Daemons
If you have installed the Java Development Kit (JDK), you can view live daemons with the jps
$ jps
33920 Jps 27171 GradleDaemon 22792
Live Daemons appear under the name GradleDaemon
Because this command uses the JDK, you can view Daemons running any version of Gradle.
Enable Daemon
Gradle enables the Daemon by default since Gradle 3.0.
If your project doesn’t use the Daemon, you can enable it for a single build with the --daemon
flag when you run a build:
$ gradle <task> --daemon
This flag overrides any settings that disable the Daemon in your project or user
To enable the Daemon by default in older Gradle versions, add the following setting to the
file in the project root or your Gradle User Home (GRADLE_USER_HOME
Disable Daemon
You can disable the Daemon in multiple ways but there are important considerations:
- Single-use Daemon
If the JVM args of the client process don’t match what the build requires, a single-used Daemon (disposable JVM) is created. This means the Daemon is required for the build, so it is created, used, and then stopped at the end of the build.
- No Daemon
If the
, the Daemon will not be used at all since the build happens in the client JVM.
Disable for a build
To disable the Daemon for a single build, pass the --no-daemon
flag when you run a build:
$ gradle <task> --no-daemon
This flag overrides any settings that enable the Daemon in your project including the
Disable for a project
To disable the Daemon for all builds of a project, add org.gradle.daemon=false
to the
file in the project root.
Disable for a user
On Windows, this command disables the Daemon for the current user:
(if not exist "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle") && (echo. >> "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle/" && echo org.gradle.daemon=false >> "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle/")
On UNIX-like operating systems, the following Bash shell command disables the Daemon for the current user:
mkdir -p ~/.gradle && echo "org.gradle.daemon=false" >> ~/.gradle/
Disable globally
There are two recommended ways to disable the Daemon globally across an environment:
/` file -
add the flag
environment variable
Don’t forget to make sure your JVM arguments and GRADLE_OPTS
match if you want to completely disable the Daemon and not simply invoke a single-use one.
Stop Daemon
It can be helpful to stop the Daemon when troubleshooting or debugging a failure.
Daemons automatically stop given any of the following conditions:
Available system memory is low
Daemon has been idle for 3 hours
To stop running Daemon processes, use the following command:
$ gradle --stop
This terminates all Daemon processes started with the same version of Gradle used to execute the command.
You can also kill Daemons manually with your operating system. To find the PIDs for all Daemons regardless of Gradle version, see Find Daemons.
Configuring the Daemon JVM
Daemon JVM discovery and criteria are incubating features and are subject to change in a future release. |
By default, the Gradle Daemon runs with the same JVM installation that started the build.
Gradle defaults to the current shell path and JAVA_HOME
environment variable to locate a usable JVM.
Alternatively, a different JVM installation can be specified for the build using the
Gradle property or programmatically through the Tooling API.
Building on the toolchain feature, you can now use declarative criteria to specify the JVM requirements for the build.
If the Daemon JVM criteria configuration is provided, it takes precedence over JAVA_HOME
Daemon JVM criteria
The Daemon JVM criteria is controlled by the updateDaemonJvm
task, similar to how the wrapper task updates the wrapper properties file.
This process requires toolchain download repositories to be configured. See below for details. |
When the task runs, it creates or updates the criteria in the gradle/
To configure the generation, you can use command line options:
$ ./gradlew updateDaemonJvm --jvm-version=17
Or configure the task in the build script of the root project:
tasks.named("updateDaemonJvm") {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
And then run the task:
$ ./gradlew updateDaemonJvm
Both of these actions will produce a file like the following one:
#This file is generated by updateDaemonJvm
If you run the updateDaemonJvm
task without any arguments, and the properties file does not exist, then the version of the current JVM used by the Daemon will be used.
On the next execution of the build, the Gradle client will use this file to locate a compatible JVM installation and start the Daemon with it.
Similar to the wrapper, the generated
file should be checked into version control.
This ensures that any developer or CI server running the build will use the same JVM version.
Specifying a JVM vendor
The JVM vendor, like the JVM version, can be used as a criteria to select a compatible JVM installation for the build. If no vendor is specified, Gradle considers all vendors compatible.
By default, running updateDaemonJvm
to create the
file will not generate a JVM vendor criteria.
To specify a vendor, either configure it in the build script, using the same syntax as the Java toolchain spec, or pass it on the command line:
$ ./gradlew updateDaemonJvm --jvm-version=17 --jvm-vendor=adoptium
List of recognized vendors:
Known Vendors | Acceptable Strings | toolchainVendor Value |
Adoptium / Eclipse Temurin |
AdoptOpenJDK |
Amazon Corretto |
Apple |
Azul Zulu |
BellSoft |
GraalVM |
Hewlett Packard |
JetBrains |
Microsoft |
Oracle |
Tencent |
Some vendors will be recognized from more than one set of characters.
All vendor strings are case-insensitive.
You can view the list of recognized vendors by running ./gradlew help --task updateDaemonJvm
If the specified vendor is not one of the recognized equivalents, Gradle will match it exactly. For example, "MyCustomJVM" would require an exact match of the vendor name.
Auto-detection and auto-provisioning
The Daemon JVM is auto-detected using the same logic as project JVM toolchains.
With auto-provisioning, the logic is simpler, as Gradle can only look up a download URL matching the platform inside the
The URL is then used to download a JDK if none can be found locally.
The properties used for disabling auto-detection and auto-provisioning affect the Daemon toolchain resolution logic:
Configuring provisioning URLs
There are currently no CLI options for configuring this. |
By default, the updateDaemonJvm
task attempts to generate download URLs for JDKs on various platforms (OS and architecture) that match the specified criteria.
Gradle needs to consider more than the current running platform as the build could be run on different platforms.
Gradle sets, by convention, build platforms based on architectures X86_64
and AARCH64
for the following operating systems:
These platforms can be configured through the toolchainPlatforms
property of the UpdateDaemonJvm
tasks.named("updateDaemonJvm") {
def myPlatforms = [
Gradle resolves JDK download URLs for these platforms by using the configured toolchain download repositories.
If no such repositories are configured and the toolchainPlatforms
property has at least one value, the updateDaemonJvm
task will fail.
Alternatively, users can directly configure the JDK URLs for specific platforms using the toolchainDownloadUrls
This property is a Map<BuildPlatform, URI>
and can be configured as shown in the following example:
tasks.named("updateDaemonJvm") {
toolchainDownloadUrls = [(BuildPlatformFactory.of(org.gradle.platform.Architecture.AARCH64, org.gradle.platform.OperatingSystem.MAC_OS)) : uri("https://server?platform=MAC_OS.AARCH64"),
(BuildPlatformFactory.of(org.gradle.platform.Architecture.AARCH64, org.gradle.platform.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS)) : uri("https://server?platform=WINDOWS.AARCH64")]
A full package name is required for org.gradle.platform.Architecture and org.gradle.platform.OperatingSystem due to a naming conflict with other types in different packages, which are resolved first alphabetically.
Running ./gradlew updateDaemonJvm
produces the following:
#This file is generated by updateDaemonJvm toolchainUrl.MAC_OS.AARCH64=https\://server?platform\=MAC_OS.AARCH64 toolchainUrl.WINDOWS.AARCH64=https\://server?platform\=WINDOWS.AARCH64 toolchainVersion=17
If you want to disable the generation of URLs by the updateDaemonJvm
tasks.named("updateDaemonJvm") {
toolchainPlatforms = []
Removing all platforms means that there is no longer a need for the toolchain download repositories to be configured.
Tools & IDEs
The Gradle Tooling API used by IDEs and other tools to integrate with Gradle always uses the Gradle Daemon to execute builds. If you execute Gradle builds from within your IDE, you already use the Gradle Daemon. There is no need to enable it for your environment.
Continuous Integration
We recommend using the Daemon for developer machines and Continuous Integration (CI) servers.
Gradle starts a new Daemon if no idle or compatible Daemons exist.
The following values determine compatibility:
Requested build environment, including the following:
Java version
JVM attributes
JVM properties
Gradle version
Compatibility is based on exact matches of these values. For example:
If a Daemon is available with a Java 8 runtime, but the requested build environment calls for Java 10, then the Daemon is not compatible.
If a Daemon is available running Gradle 7.0, but the current build uses Gradle 7.4, then the Daemon is not compatible.
Certain properties of a Java runtime are immutable: they cannot be changed once the JVM has started. The following JVM system properties are immutable:
The following JVM attributes controlled by startup arguments are also immutable:
The maximum heap size (the
JVM argument) -
The minimum heap size (the
JVM argument) -
The boot classpath (the
argument) -
The "assertion" status (the
If the requested build environment requirements for any of these properties and attributes differ from the Daemon’s JVM requirements, the Daemon is not compatible.
For more information about build environments, see the build environment documentation. |
Performance Impact
The Daemon can reduce build times by 15-75% when you build the same project repeatedly.
In between builds, the Daemon waits idly for the next build. As a result, your machine only loads Gradle into memory once for multiple builds instead of once per build. This is a significant performance optimization.
Runtime Code Optimizations
The JVM gains significant performance from runtime code optimization: optimizations applied to code while it runs.
JVM implementations like OpenJDK’s Hotspot progressively optimize code during execution. Consequently, subsequent builds can be faster purely due to this optimization process.
With the Daemon, perceived build times can drop dramatically between a project’s 1st and 10th builds.
Memory Caching
The Daemon enables in-memory caching across builds. This includes classes for plugins and build scripts.
Similarly, the Daemon maintains in-memory caches of build data, such as the hashes of task inputs and outputs for incremental builds.
Performance Monitoring
Gradle actively monitors heap usage to detect memory leaks in the Daemon.
When a memory leak exhausts available heap space, the Daemon:
Finishes the currently running build.
Restarts before running the next build.
Gradle enables this monitoring by default.
To disable this monitoring, set the org.gradle.daemon.performance.enable-monitoring
Daemon option to false
You can do this on the command line with the following command:
$ gradle <task> -Dorg.gradle.daemon.performance.enable-monitoring=false
Or you can configure the property in the
file in the project root or your GRADLE_USER_HOME (Gradle User Home):