Class JacocoPluginExtension

  • public abstract class JacocoPluginExtension
    extends java.lang.Object
    Extension including common properties and methods for Jacoco.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String TASK_EXTENSION_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • JacocoPluginExtension

        public JacocoPluginExtension​(Project project,
                                     org.gradle.internal.jacoco.JacocoAgentJar agent)
        Creates a Jacoco plugin extension.
        project - the project the extension is attached to
        agent - the agent JAR to be used by Jacoco
    • Method Detail

      • getToolVersion

        public java.lang.String getToolVersion()
        Version of Jacoco JARs to use.
      • setToolVersion

        public void setToolVersion​(java.lang.String toolVersion)
      • getReportsDirectory

        public DirectoryProperty getReportsDirectory()
        The directory where reports will be generated.
      • applyTo

        public <T extends Task & JavaForkOptions> void applyTo​(T task)
        Applies Jacoco to the given task. Configuration options will be provided on a task extension named 'jacoco'. Jacoco will be run as an agent during the execution of the task.
        task - the task to apply Jacoco to.
        See Also:
      • applyTo

        public <T extends Task & JavaForkOptions> void applyTo​(TaskCollection<T> tasks)
        Applies Jacoco to all of the given tasks.
        tasks - the tasks to apply Jacoco to